Chapter Twenty

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Tommy wakes up in the room again. Same white bedsheets and open windows letting in the moonlight. Warm blankets were wrapped around him, and he tried not to wince as his eyes drifted over the fluorescent lights coming from a bedside lamp. The mattress was plush and cradling his sore limbs. His head was also on an unbelievably soft pillow, and he could feel his cheek being smushed into a soft pillowcase.

Wilbur had a chair pulled up next to the bed again. There were deep bags under his eyes, and he had his hand wrapped around Tommy's, holding his hand like a lifeline. He was thirsty as fuck, and his head was killing him.

"Wil?" Tommy whispered, his voice hoarse.

Wilbur's eyes widened as he met Tommy's gaze, a bright smile spreading across his face. "Toms, you're awake! How do you feel? Do you want some water?" Tommy nodded his head, sitting up, ignoring the strain on his ribs. Soon, a glass was below his chin with a straw pointed towards him. The cold liquid did wonders on his throat and pounding headache, and within seconds the glass was empty. "How are you feeling, sunshine?"

Tommy glanced around the room once more before refocusing on Wilbur, "Wh- why am I back here?"

Before answering sheepishly, Wilbur looked uncomfortable at the question, "You didn't want to go back to your apartment. If you change your mind, though, I'm sure we can get you back there. I- I won't throw a fit this time, promise." The guilt is heavy in Wilbur's features as he says this. He reaches for Tommy's hand once more before hesitating and dropping them in his lap.

Tommy swallows harshly, not knowing if he's ready to leave the warmth he's feeling just yet, "What's going to happen now?"

Wilbur gives Tommy a confused look before scooting his chair closer, "Well, that's up to you. Um, Schlatt's been dealt with. We uh handled him and the rest of his men. He mostly worked with mercenaries, though, and Dream's men. We don't know where to find him, and I killed his right-hand man, so I doubt that's the last we will see of his crew."

Wilbur's fiddling with his hands, wringing them as he speaks, "Phil's real pissed at me for that, but it's not like we weren't already planning on going after the fuck. Eret betrayed us after all," Wilbur cuts himself off with a harsh breath, "What happens next is up to you. We don't think Dream will come after you, so you don't have to worry about that, but we wouldn't hesitate to protect you if you asked." He takes a grounding breath before finally looking Tommy in the eyes, "Toms, I am so sorry. Genuinely, this time I- I fucked up. I wasn't meant to get attached, but I did, and I got frustrated that we couldn't get past our meeting. I didn't want to hurt or use you. That wasn't my intention after the warehouse."

He gestures for Tommy's hands, asking permission with a hesitant nod he gives. His cold hands wrap around his, yet Tommy feels warmth and protection, "I want you to stay with us, Toms. Not as a worker, god I want you nowhere near those fucks ever again. I want you safe. I'll save you from everyone, even yourself, me, or those assholes who did this to you."

"You weren't wrong." Tommy cuts him off; Wilbur's expression fills with confusion, "I had fun with you guys. I mean, not the almost dying part. Or the threatening. Or showing up at my work randomly. But the sneaking and intimating people was cool. I felt useful. You also made me feel, I dunno," Tommy ends with a shrug, "Special or some shit."

Wilbur practically fucking beamed before he leaned over and hugged Tommy. He wasn't expecting the embrace and couldn't help but melt into it. A light knock on the door broke their moment of peaceful solitude as the door creaked open, revealing a shorter woman with long white curly hair who blinked in surprise at seeing the two. "Oh, he's awake! Wilbur, you were supposed to get me."

Wilbur gave a sheepish grin, "Well, I felt like I owed my brother an apology first." Tommy sent him a shocked look gaining a hand squeeze from Wilbur before turning back to the woman.

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