The creature in the window

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Two friends are walking home from school as they are walking. James and Ray stopped and heard music coming from an old small abandoned house that behind it is a forest that is so dark and quiet .

James said "we should check out where the music is coming from in that house,  are you in Ray ?" Ray just nodded his head as they both walked into the house inside the building it looks like everything was intact and nothing was tooled or out of place.

 So they explored all the floors but one the basement, so they made sure to carry flashlights with them as they headed into the basement. 

James and Ray see bones just strange bones , in one corner was a portrait of a family and in the other corner is an animal like human statue but in the middle of the room is a candle lit circle but within the circle are bones of a human body and a head of some type of dog.

James and Ray were feeling that someone or something was watching them but they both decided to leave immediately as they made it outside onto the sidewalks they both saw a figure of a person waving at them with an animal head.

To this very day they still don't know what or who was in the window of that abandoned house but one question that was going off in their heads was that no one has been living in that house .

Everybody knows that and that nothing was out of place so why were there animal and human bones, a family portrait and an animal like human statue in the house. 

So who or what was that in the window waving at them do you know who it was?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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