ix. i get more crazy

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there's no freedom quite like
the freedom of being constantly
- scott lynch

then - 5x09!

Two months of non-stop work on the Foyet case was wearing Wren Spader down and she was getting tired of hitting dead ends. Each alias she found would go dark moments after discovering it and every bank account linked to any of his names was currently restricted. She feared that Agent Hotchner was right in saying that they had no way to track Foyet if he stopped killing and that's exactly what he did. Sure, Wren had Penelope Garcia's help to try and find him in different ways but nothing was easy and it frustrated both of them.

When Wren first found out that Chief Strauss was threatening to transfer Agent Hotchner, the brunette got pissed. His family was being targeted by a serial killer and the FBI brass were more interested in analyzing the unit chief's every move. He shouldn't have to be thinking about the politics of working in the FBI while also looking for Foyet. 

The two women had multiple conversations about the topic which only lead to more frustration on both ends. Wren was told that being assigned to the Foyet case was to help ease some of the stress that Agent Hotchner currently was feeling, not give Strauss another angle to watch him from. The brunette never understood Strauss's dislike for Agent Hotchner or the BAU in general. Yes, they had the tendency to be impulsive, but they had to make rash decisions in a job like theirs. Wren remembered that when she was first hired by Strauss, the blonde was trying to remove Agent Hotchner from the BAU entirely. It was one of the few things she would talk about.

Wren was impressed to see Agent Hotchner find a loophole in the predicament that Strauss had created. Promoting Agent Morgan to the unit chief was a smart move and it pissed Strauss off, something Wren was finding more and more enjoyable each day. Plus, if Foyet was watching, it would appear as though Agent Hotchner was falling apart almost completely. Foyet would think he was winning. It was a good move on Agent Hotchner's part.

It took a while, but member by member, the BAU was warming up to her. She was already on good terms with Prentiss, Garcia, and Reid, so it didn't take long for Agent Jareau to start to feel more at ease when Wren walked into the room. Agent Rossi also got more comfortable with the brunette. Wren wasn't usually one to give up details about herself but she was able to create a bond with Rossi after telling him that she shared her Italian heritage with him. She wasn't sure how long it would take until Agent Morgan was going to stop giving her death glares or how long Agent Hotchner would continue to avoid her calls, but she was hopeful that if she just kept reminding them of her presence, it would wear them down enough so that they'd work with her better.

The interrogation specialist had just gotten off the phone with a doctor about the medications that George Foyet took when Agent Jareau, or JJ as she insisted Wren call her, burst into her office. "Spader, did you talk to your contact in the medical field?"

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