Chapter 4

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(Justin) yea whatever I'm done being friends with you Ryan

(Ryan) kay cool bye

(He gets up and sits next to Kc)

(Kc) why are u over here

(Ryan) me and Justin aren't friends anymore

(Kc) but why

(Ryan) because he said he doesn't even know why we was friends so I told him To stop being friends with me and so he did and I feel free not gonna lie to u so now we can be friends since I don't have to please him anymore which is %100 fine by me

(Kc) u know u didn't have to be friends with me

(Ryan) I want to I enjoy being ur friend u just don't see that but since we are friends I recommend leaving Justin since he is no good for u I mean look at how many fights y'all get into and how much trouble you get into and how much u hear it from ur dad I'm sure ur break up would make him happy to hear

(Kc) yea I know I mean I guess I should but I just don't know

(Ryan) well I'm telling u that u should but u do what feels right to you Does staying with him make you happy or does leaving him and making ur dad happy also make u happy I know this will be hard to leave him if u do but I will be here all the way u know that right

(Kc) I know I know just let me think about it

(Ryan) okay

(The bell rings and they head off to there next class)

(After school in detention)

(Justin walks up to kc)

(Justin) can we talk please

(Kc) about what Justin that you wanna break up

(Justin) no I don't I just wanna apologize for fighting with you you were just looking out for me

(Kc) OK and what if I don't wanna forgive you

(Justin) baby please , please princess I will make it up to you whatever you want do you wanna go on a date let me take you to the movies to the fair do you wanna just stay the night at my house we can cuddle up watching Netflix

(Kc) you always be doing this and then you'll go back to acting how you're acting Buffalo why can't this Justin stay around why is it every time you fuck up and you know you fucked up you come around and be like baby please please please and then you'll go back to acting like a damn fool that's why this time I don't wanna forgive you

(Justin) i'm sorry I really am I just can't be without you you complete me girl you're my everything

(Kc) then act like I'm your everything not act like I'm your side bitch quit acting different when your friends are around quit acting different with teachers around quit acting different with the whole world is looking at you do you want me to treat you how you treat me because you wouldn't enjoy it I sure as hell don't start acting like you love me or else I'm dipping real fast

(Justin) OK OK I'll make it up to you I promise mamas

(Kc) This isn't a make it up to you situation this is I will do it or we're done that is it Justin do you get that through your head because I swear to God tomorrow I walk into the damn building and you start acting like how you always act that's it I'm done dropping you look hot fly got it

(Justin) yes I got it OK I love you

(Kc) yeah we'll see if you actually do love me or you're just talking shit because it seems like you can talk the top but can't walk the walk so you won't need to learn to do both

(Justin) damn ur not even gonna say it back

(Kc) have you proved that you love me within this five minutes of me yelling at you

(Justin) no not yet but you could at least say that

(Kc) you will hear me say it when I feel like I do love you at the moment I do not I'm not gonna lie to your face

(Justin) Okay chill

(The headed to detention and they sit there for about an hour once detentions over they leave)

(Justin) here let me get the door for you

(He open the school door for her and let's her walk out first)

(Kc) thank you Justin

(Justin) do I get an I love you now

(Kc) Justin

(Justin) what it's a question

(Kc) do you deserve it

(Justin) I mean you I held the door open for you I normally don't

(Kc) you really think you deserve and I love you after holding open the door be lucky I said thank you I could've just gave you the side eye 😒

(Justin) OK OK fine but do you wanna come over later

(Kc) I got homework to do plus I gotta get to work later so no I can't

(Justin) what do I get to come by later tonight

(Kc) i'll think about it if you deserve to come sleep with me at night

(Justin) OK just text me I guess

(They both go their separate ways)

(That's the end of chapter 4 I will see you in chapter 5 I hope you enjoyed)

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