Birthday Plans

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We all met up at my house after school.
"Soooo, let's get to planning!" Jessica cheered. "Yes!" I shouted.
"We need some paper." Stated Alexis. "I got y'all, I'll be right back"
I went downstairs to grab paper from the printer.
Ahhh maybe I should get us some snacks! I thought. I sat the papers on the counter and made my way to the fridge as I opened it the lights turned on and I could smell the aroma of left over spaghetti. Hmmm maybe some bacon! And oooh koolaid I beamed, maybe s......
"Ahhhh" I screamed my arms flew up and my grasp on the food released,
"Daaaaaaad" I groaned.
"So how is work going, or fishing with your buddies" I giggled.
"Pretty good, but we found out that the city has been dumping their wastes into the ocean and killing the dolphins, and many fish"
"Oh no"
"Well me and my friends are planning my birthday party, and I wanted to get some food but some how its on the floor" I sarcastily stated.
"Couldn't help myself" he laughed and picked up the mess.
"Here" he said whilst handing me a big bag of cheetos and doritos.
"Yummy" I giggled.
I grabbed the printer paper and scurried upstairs to my friends. "Heyyyy guys I got the paper" I smiled. "Oh we already found some" giggled Alexis. "Well we got more" I laughed. I sat on the floor with my party planners. "So were doing it on the beach, I got the perfect set" said Jessica "yes the beach" I smiled, I love swimming. "Here let's each sketch out a plan and supplies and I'll vote, meanwhile I'm getting us snacks" I said as standing up. "Sounds great" said Jessica who had already started sketching hers. "Well I will see y'all in about 15 minutes" I said as moonwalking out the room. "MOVE!" yelled my little brother as I stepped out my room and knocked into him while walking backwards. "Oops sorry" I giggled. I hopped down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. "Fridge, I choose you!" I yelled whilst pointing at it. I ran to open it, "hmmm" I turned to walk towards the cabinets opposite of the fridge. I pull them open and look. Left. Right. Up. Down! Yessssss "chips!" I hollered. I gotta quit talking to my self out loud I thought. I grabbed the chips and went back to the fridge to see if we had salsa, and sure enough we did. I poured it into a huge bowl, and grabbed the chips. I hope I don't drop this, I worried. I walked swiftly and carefully up the stairs hoping my brother wouldn't knock into me. I walked into my room and I had made it without spilling it. "I made it!" I said as I sat the food on a table. "I'm thirsty" said Alexis. "Dang it! I knew I was forgetting something, just go make yourself something I'm to lazy" I laughed. "Fine" she giggled. "Oooh let me see your drawings" I asked curiously. Alexis and Jessica handed me their drawings. Alexis had a pink walk in tent that fits 30 people and a cute table with cake (that was pink to) pink purple and blue streamer everywhere and on the beach. "I love it!" As I handed her drawing back. I looked at Jessica's, and she had three tables filled with food and lamps circling and blanket on the ground with "books!" I shreiked "how about no" we all laughed. "It was just an idea" she said. "But this is a party we don't wanna bore them to death" I laughed hysterically. "True" alexis chimed in. "How about we put both of your designs together and I will ask my dad for money and well take the ferry to go to town to buy this stuff."
"Sounds great!" They both said.
I walked out the room downstairs to the living room. "Hey dad can we have some money to set my party up this weekend at the beach?" I asked as sweet as possible. "Here" he said as he handed me 500$ my eyes grew wide. "Woah" I whispered. "Well were going to take the ferry to town so see you later, love you"
"Love you to sweetie"
"GIRLS!!" I yelled. "Let's go shopping"
They hurried downstairs and we went to the dock for the ferry. "Perfect timing" I said cheerfully.
"Yes!" Jessica said excitedly.
We load on the boat crowded by many people, we sat towards the back. "So how much did your dad give you?" Alexis asked.
"You won't believe me when I tell you, but 500$!"
"No way"
"Yes way its crazy!"
This old shabby guy with a medium length beard and crystal blue eyes asked if we wanted to hear a story about Seastar Island.
"Sure" I said gladly.
Jessica and Alexis gave me looks like I was crazy, but since I moved here I just wanted to hear some interesting stories, so I smiled back at them.
"Well no outsiders know about its wonders" he began, I watched him with interest. "Have u heard of mermaids?" He asked.
"Well only in fairy tale books" I giggled.
"Oh well these aren't any fairy tales my dear, these are real live mermaids." People started to give him dirty looks, but I kept my focus on him. "They live below the sea way deep down in a castle made of sea crystals. They live far out though some where no one would ever think of traveling to look for them."
"That's us" I smiled to the man.
"Oh you live in the city" he said shocked.
"Oh no were just going shopping for my birthday party this weekend" I said.
"Oh good, I thought I just told some city people the secrets of the island."
I let out a giggle "nope your all good, and may we talk some more of the secrets"
"Sure meet me down by the beach later."
"Okay!" Said the guy
We stood up and waited for the people to exit the boat. When we got far enough from the man alexis said "that dude is a creep I can't believe ur going to go meet him at the beach"
"He just needs someone to talk to, plus I'm very interested." I said assuringly.
I giggled at her remarks, we finally made our way off the boat.
"Time to shop till we drop!" I cheered
"Where to first!"
"Hmmm maybe rue 21" Jessica smiled.
"Here how about this I'll give both of you 150$ and you go get presents and supplies you think we'll need"
They nodded and I handed them each 150$ and we went our separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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