A long day and even longer night

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The hallway was so long, and the door meters away. yet i still could not get there fast enough. i know its a dream but it feels just like real life. i can hear his steps nearing with every second. "adaline! where are you?" i can hear him calling tantalizingly. he's coming and he's going to get what he wants he always does. im almost there nearly to the door and as i reach for it im grabbed from behind "you can't run any more addie theres no where to go" his insidious laugh is what wakes me. i jump up soaked in sweat and silent tears. i glance out of the window next to my four poster its still dark but the light peeking from behind the clouds is not the moon so i guessed it might be closer to five am. as quietly as i can i gather some sweat pants and a t-shirt and quickly make my way to the showers.

as soon as i had gotten dressed, hair still wet, i made my way out of the dungeons and to the black lake. i enjoy the scenery around hogwarts, especially in the morning, alone. i just lay next to the lake for nearly an hour until i was ambushed by professor snape. "what do you think you are doing outside at this hour?" i jumped up and turned around to face the most feared professor in the whole school, but not by me. "i could ask you the same question professor", "i dont have to answer to you miss oswald" for a while neither of us said anything just stared at each other. Snape cleared his throat simply told me i had detention after classes today, turned on his heel and left.

after another hour laying by the lake i made my way to the great hall for breakfast."hey guys" i mumble as i slip into breakfast piling my plate up with waffles syrup and fruit. some girls might only eat fruit or some toast but i appreciate food too much not to eat a lot. even though i eat plenty, maybe more than i should im still in good physical condition. im not fat by a while but im not a stick either. as i sit down with my friends Elodie and Justin my two closest friends and my only allies at the slytherin table i realize that i haven't changed into my robes yet and if i dont leave now i will be late for my first class of the day, potions.

Its only the second week of term and professor snape has already assigned an essay and today we are brewing essence of dittany potion that we were supposed to prepare for and i know that i may be the only one who actually did, out of the three of us anyway. hurridly i shove half of a waffle in my mouth and take a small drink of my pumkin juice and run to the slytherin common room.

as i am running down the dungeon hallway i narrowly miss runnign into professor Snape while he has his nose stuck in a book, kind of reminding me of myself at times. quickly as i reach the door to the common room i mumble Salazar peculiar i think to have such an obvious password for the most secretive house in the whole school. i run up to the girls side dorms and throw on a black tank top, black leggings (because who even had time to pour themselves into a pair of skinny jeans at a time like this?) my robes and black flats. i dont like to wear makeup because i have very fair and clear skin so i dont see the need to, i make an exception for mascara and sometimes some powder but other than that i dont like it too much. my blonde mess of hair is quickly thrown into a bun and i am on my way to potions class.

i slip in and sit at my usual seat that i have sat in since first year, right in the middle of the front row. by now everybody has a seat they like and no body takes anybody else's seat, its an unspoken law. just as i sit down professor snape's doors burst open to reveal a very mysterious and equally intimidating man with billowing robes that roll in the wind as he walks past the front row to his podium on the far left of the room. "i assume that you are all adequetly prepared to brew todays potion you were supposed to learn this last year but according to most of your NEWTs i can truthfully say that you need more retouching on even on some of the most bassic potions. although today we are brewing the essence of dittany, and you will all write a whole roll of parchment about its uses and the ingredients that are involed in the making of the potion you have until the end of class." with a wave of his hand half the class went to gather supplies for the potion, but i always wait because i am not much of a touchy-feely person in the slightest. as i wait i lay out my notes and the instructions for brewing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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