Don't mind the cover okie-So I'm here to talk about a very serious matter •_•
Yeah So it's just stop calling her yours and don't flirt with her too much.
You are only allowed to do a lil bit flirt. If I saw you flirting with her too much then.... I WILL CRY. You meanie people. T-T
And Hello to all people I would love to be friend with you. You can come and talk to me whenever you want. NO ONE WILL COME AT MIDNIGHT.
Not only this but I have a beautiful pic of manshi which I guess you people didn't see.
So if this part gets 20 votes then I will show you guys her beautiful faceu. (:
( Please don't kill me for this)And I just want to say I love her shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much (:
So I got some pics for you people (:
You can use them as themes I guess.
Byee people.~By PhoPho The Alien (: