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hello everyone!

i am here with another story, well, a newer version of an old story, and trust me, this is the one im looking forward to the most.

a few things to keep in mind before we move on:

1. this is a remake of an old story of mine.

2. this version holds very little similarities to the older version (ex: similar names).

3. i have realised the older version was upsetting to a lot of people, and as i recently read it, i realised the disgusting mistake i made, and i sincerely apologise for that.

4. this story is not going to be like your typical mafia brothers sister stories you see on wattpad, ive been experimenting recently.

5. this is NOT an incest story. if you're into that, you're looking into the wrong book.

6. updates will be irregular as im in my last year of high school aka the year which will decide if i get into a good University or not.

7. buckle up and enjoy the ride.

that is all. have a great day
- al.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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