Chapter 1

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Sitting in my desk with a book in front of me, I rush my hands through my hair in frustration. I could feel the darkness inside, rushing through my veins, growing. I searched and searched for a cure or anything to bring one thing back to stop all of this madness, to stop the evil. I knew there was no way to stop the evil inside, everyone has tried. There was a way through not to stop it but to contain it, that was called love. Love was the only to contain the darkness inside without that person, your soul, your life, just you are no more. When the darkness completely takes control you have to containing it, the only way to stop it is death. I tried to but I couldn't. Every time I would look at the knife, the gun, the potion I always saw him looking at me, pleading me not to. Every day it's the same routine. I wake up, grab something from the kitchen, head to the library in the back of the house, and start searching. I always end up falling asleep on my desk or sometimes I do on the couch. I feel pains sometimes run through my body but it's always the darkness trying to get to me.

I sigh as it close once again another large book, closing it shut and throwing it in the pile of books I've already checked. I get up from the desk chair and stretch out my back. I yawn and walk over to a section of books. I put my finger up to the books and gently touch each one to read the names lightly. I mumble a few and stop at a large dark grey book. I pull it out and gently swipe my hands over the top, dust flying everywhere. I swap my hand over my face and cough from all the dust. "man I need to clean sometime soon" Opening the book lightly, I turn around and head back over to the desk. "Alright now let's see here" turning through pages, I mumble out every title I see. "Wolves, no. Elfin, no. Vampires, no. Merpeople, no. Hybrids, no. Sorcerers-" I sigh happily and turn to the next page to the beginning.

Sorcerer Oracle Evil Within

The darkness can come in many ways. If it be in soul, touch, sight, birth, many different way. Most common way to have a dark side is to be the last eye contact that the person sees who was possessed before the demon kills him/her. Less common is to have one from birth, but is still possible. A possession is easily removed from a sorcerer/sorceress, the only thing to do is extract the evil from your body. Being born with it is different. The evil is connected with your soul and that is how they are more powerful and rare. The best way to lessen the chance of a full possession is to have someone you love be there for you. The loving and calming ora from the lover can sooth and weaken the demon. If there is no lover then you must fight and control your emotions. If the demon senses a change of emotion with no calming Ora around then he/she will us that emotion to weaken you for they can take your mind and body in your weakened state. You must be careful with a demon and be smart on your thoughts. They always listen to know your weakness. Keep your emotions straight and your thoughts blank. There is only one way to kill the demon inside and that is to give up yourself but there is no other way that has been found.

End of Oracle

Sighing, I close the book and sit it on the desk for other uses. I look at the large grandfather clock beside a stack of bookcases as it makes a loud 'Ding' sound. I stand up and head over to the large oakwood door. Opening the door, I turn off the light and walk out of the library. I close the door and make my way down the hall to o-my room. I open the door and look around the gloomily lite room. The reflect from the moonlight against the window shines down on the bedside table where a single picture frame stands. The people in the frame are smiling happily on the grass in a small park with a pond in the background and a white meadow tree sits to the left of the couple. The two people are smiling happily with there foreheads pressed against each other and love shinning brightly in there eyes. Seto sighs sadly and walks over to the bed. He sits on the side and looks over at the picture, a memory instantly finding its spot in the front of his mind. I grab the picture and hold it in my hands gently as the memory plays through my head.


I walk on the gravel path in the towns small park with the love of my life. I look up from the path to meet a pair of sparkling blue eyes. A smile forms on my face as he turns towards me and puts his hand gently on my cheek. "I love you" his voice so lulling that it's soothing. "I love you too" I say as I lean into his hand and cover his with my hand. He smiles as he leans in, brushing his lips against mine. I bite the inside of my lip lightly and lean in, our lips connecting like a puzzle. I smile into the kiss as his hand falls to around my waist and mine wrap around his neck. The kiss isn't a kiss of lust but more of love and passion. I pull away and rest my head against his. His eyes open and a smile pulls on his lips as he kisses me lightly on the lips. I hear a snap of a camera and pull away to see where the sound came from. There standing a few feet away holding a camera was Ty and Adam smiling happily while looking down at it. I roll my eyes and turn back to the love of my life, grabbing his hand and mostly dragging him to the two. I get in front of them and cough slightly to get there attention. They look up and I smirk at there faces, pure embarrassment from being caught. "eves dropping I see?" Adam rubs the back of his neck as Ty puts the camera behind his back. "Nope... just out for a... walk?" He says but sounds more of a question than an answer. "sure, sure ok well at least let me see the picture" They smile and Ty hands me the camera. I hold it in my hands as I feel an arm drape over my shoulder. I smile as I knew it was him while I look down at the picture. "This deserves to be framed" I hear him say as he rests his head on the top of my head. I nod and look up at Ty and Adam. "can we borrow the camera for a bit to print the picture off" they nod and smile wider "Of course! Anything of my majestic work can be framed" Adam says as he holds his arms up like he's showing muscles. Everyone starts to laugh as Ty and Adam wave bye "bye guys we'll see y'all later k" "bye Adam, bye Ty thanks for the picture, and camera" Ty nods and waves his hand in the air, swiping saying that it's fine. "don't worry about it" we wave as they leave down the path. Adam slings his shoulder over Ty's shoulder as Ty puts his head on Adams shoulder. I hear someone giggle and look over to see him looking at me with those beautiful eyes. "I love you Seto" I smile and throw my arms around his neck as he does my waist. "I love you too"

Flashback Over~

I smile at the memory as I put the picture back on the table. I tangle my hands in my hair as the darkness likes at my skin and flows throughout my body. I bite my lip as I feel it trying to bring down that perfect memory. I shake my head as I lay back in the bed. I close off my emotions and memories as I feel it taking them and using them to its advantage. I feel it give up and flow back in. I breath in breathlessly as my chest rises up and down from the power I put into holding it back. I sit up and lay on my side as I feel sleep taking me. I feel my eyes droop and my breaths even out as I let darkness of sleep consume me and the darkness inside to fall back.

{3rd Person Pov}

Seto sleeps peacefully in his bed as the darkness dwells sadly in the back of his mind. The room darkens as a figure could be seen in the corner of the room. The figure walks over to the sleeping Seto, their cape wiping from the movement lightly. A small smile forms on their lips as the rest is hidden in the darkness. A pale hand reaches out and strokes the sorcerers cheek making the sorcerer shiver slightly from the cold touch. "Don't worry Seto it'll all be over soon, enough" the figure disappears into the shadows as Seto's eyes flutter open just slightly. Seto yawns and rolls over onto his back, falling back into a peaceful sleep. The figure watches the sorcerer closely as he moves around in his sleep, sometimes murmuring things and sometimes smiling. A hand slides over Seto's forehead as a piece of chocolate brown hair falls down over the white cloth wrapped around his head. The hand swipes over it gently and moves the hair out of the sorcerers face. The figure disappears into the night, watching Seto from afar. "Soon Seto, soon" the whisper could be heard throughout everywhere, especially the sorcerer. Seto shot up from the bed and looked around the room closely. He snaps his fingers and a small flame appears. He shines it around the room and once he is sure nothing's there, he puts the light out and lies back on the bed lightly. He sighs and rolls onto his side. He closes his eyes and imagines the love of his life, wrapping his arm around his waist, pulling him close and falling fast asleep.

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