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*Book trailer contains slight spoilers (it builds anticipation)*

Clip clap, clip clap. Alfred's sandals hit the wooden floor as he raced to the ringing phone. He thought it had already gone to voicemail when a voice proved him wrong.

"Alfred, you there?" Alfred gasped in surprise.

"Y-yeah," Alfred replied, a blush dusting his cheeks. He looked down in embarrassment even though the caller couldn't see him. "How are you Arthur?" he asked.

"Fine, fine. Look, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to spend your summer with me." Alfred's heart did a backflip in his chest as he listened. "My uncle is letting me stay at his place so I can go to summer school," Arthur finished.

"Summer school? You don't have summer school," Alfred pointed out.

"Well, duh. It's just a lie so I can spend my summer in the city."

"Oh, right," Alfred mumbled.

"So, are you coming with me or not? You're not entirely useless and I need someone else to come with me because my uncle usually isn't home," Arthur explained.

Alfred's chest tightened as he realized the invitation wasn't on terms he liked, but he had to accept. "I'll go with you."

"Good. We leave tomorrow."

"Okay," Alfred replied and Arthur hung up. He let a relieving sigh escape his lips as his heart beat went back into a normal pace. I get to have Arthur all to myself... Alfred greedily thought to himself.


Alfred finished chewing his breakfast and kept his eyes on Arthur. He was currently watching Doctor Who on his uncle's TV.

"Hey Arthur, what time will your uncle be home?" Alfred asked him.

Arthur let out an annoyed sigh as he turned around to answer Alfred. "You asked that when you woke up," he reminded Alfred.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Arthur nodded and turned his attention back to the show.

Alfred felt embarrassed, he now remembers that Arthur answered with 'He usually works until late at night and leaves early in the mornings.'

Alfred tried distracting himself from his embarrassment. He felt a blush heat his cheeks as he imagined telling Arthur how he felt about him. The daydream was usually pictured at a sunny park on a set of swings. He would admit his feelings, and then it turned close to reality.

Arthur would stare at him blankly. 'You perv! I figured you were nothing but useless wanker,' Arthur would tell him.

As always, Alfred imagined the same thing. No matter how many times he pretended Arthur liked him, the end result was always the same.


Authors Note:

So I obviously changed stuff so it wasn't too similar. I wouldn't want it to be boring for the Kagepro or Mekakucity Actors fans, would I?

Anyways, I hope you all liked it, and the media is my own trailer for this book :D

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