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New York by night. On top of the highest building. Who knew this vision would helped me to calm my angry soul. Cigarette on my hand, breathing that toxic air and lose myself between the walls of that building. Silence. That was what I needed, after the umpteenth and last shit of that one I was used to call my boyfriend. He fucked another girl, 7 months ago. I was drunk, he said. Then the second time, the third, the fourth. I barely made it until the fifth time, what an idiot I've been. Screams outside the condo, cries, moving away in a different street. I wasn't able to breathe the same air of him anymore. But the point was, I couldn't breathe New York's city air anymore. But that was life. But despite all, I was able to satisfy people with that thing they thought it was, indeed, "soft voice". 

My thoughts were interrupted by that noisy door in the terrace, it was Gwenda, my best friend.

"Have you still a lot to do, Iria? We're starting in 10 minutes."

"I need 5 more minutes." I said, coldly. She did an understanding nod, before closing the door.

She was there every evening, as a reminder of my daily tasks, but she was also there to distract myself from negative stuff. She never left my side, she was always there to remind me why I exists, something that I could barely understand in the last period. I threw away my cigarette, heading towards downstairs, where my exhibition should be. People on the place immediately applauded me as soon as I reached the stage of that small pub. Sincere cheers, which warmed up my soul every single night. Mic stand and.... I'll Always Remember You.

I always knew this day would come

We'd be standing one by one

With our future in our hands

So many dreams, so many plans

I always knew after all these years

There'd be laughter, there'd be tears

But never thought I'd walk away

With so much joy, but so much pain

And it's so hard to say "goodbye"

But yesterday's gone

We gotta keep moving on

I'm so thankful for the moments

So glad I got to know you

The times that we had

I'll keep like a photograph

And hold you in my heart forever

I'll always remember you

A babbling slightly drew my attention, but without stopping my exhibition, until I realized down the hall there was the last person I thought to see in a place like that. A member of my snob family? Nope. My ex boyfriend? Nope. An old schoolmate? Neither. So many meters away from me there was that person loved by the entire universe. Elizabeth Taylor.

My mind started to distract too much, luckily not going off tune. Her periwinkle irises were exploring my face, deeply concentrated to study every word of mine. I couldn't describe her mood, and that caused me a big sense of agitation.

Once finished the song, cheered by the usual people, I took a thank you bow while I seen the superstar heading towards me with a young girl next to her.

Gwenda reached me who, seeing her really exited face, saw all the scene. A knot formed on my throat when the woman stood in front of me.

"Mrs Taylor... It's a real honor to meet you." I said, putting my hand on my chest.

"Oh please baby, I'm not the Queen of England!" She said ironically, shaking her hand. I smiled to her humility.

"Well, nothing to say about the Queen.... But I certainly would be less excited than I am now!"

She smiled, showing her glowing teeth. I never noticed since then that she was enchantingly gorgeous.

"I'm so deeply in love with your voice, you really have a big talent!" I thanked her, bowing my head. "Indeed, I have a proposition for you: I would love you to come and sing to my show!"

Our eyes were wide open and also those of the young girl who I supposed to be her assistant.

"Elizabeth? What are you saying?" The assistant said, bewildered.

"I—-I.... Didn't know you were going to do do a musical ma'am." I said shocked.

"In fact, it's not. But I would like you to do some musical entertainment before my show, you know I'm not always on time, and I feel really sorry when my public complain about my delays. So I thought about an entertainment. And what's better than good music?" She said exited like a little girl. It was such an absurd proposition. So wonderfully absurd.

"But Elizabeth, don't you think that...." The assistant started, being interrupted by her boss.

"No buts! My dear, if you want you'll be informed about all the details from her, my assistant Chen" she said, pointing at her, who bow her head "and in case you will accept it... I would be very happy to talk about with you tomorrow evening at dinner!"

I knew this woman loved to be out of line, but I would never imagined she was so incredibly direct. I was so stunned, I didn't want to act like a little girl who wanted to earn the big moneys, but in the same time I would have been so silly not to accept.

"I promise you I will let you know tonight!"

A little glint appeared on her pupils, like she realized my answer would have been positive.

"Perfect! Chen, the number" she said to the girl, who gave me her business card.

"You can call whenever you want, I don't sleep at night." I could have sworn that there was a hint of mischief in her voice, which was confirmed by a wink.

And they went, moving her hand once she was heading toward the exit.

My and my best friend's throats were immensely dried, looking at one single point.

"She didn't really do this." I said, still in trance.

"Oh yeah, she did."

A/N: Hi everybodyyyyy!!!! This is my first Elizabeth Taylor aka Helena Bonham Carter fanfiction, hope you'll like it <3 just want to advise you that the first chapters will be a bit short but don't worry,  there will be longer chapters as it goes! If you like it, give me a like <3 it's really really appreciated and it gives me a lot of motivation to keep going <3 Byeeeeee


(ENG) Wherever You Will Go (Helena Bonham Carter as Elizabeth Taylor Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now