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Five long hours to decide something that I could think about in 30 minutes. I wasn't a simple person, I always asked myself questions even when someone ask for me a coffee. But this time, it wasn't about a simple afternoon with friends at the pub, this time it was about to make a change in my life. Actually, it wasn't the reason of my hesitation, of course it was a convenience. The real reason was that I was almost "fearful" to see that woman who unsettled my being. It made sense, of course, we were talking about of a worldwide star and probably the most beautiful woman in the world.

That, was the real "problem". I didn't spend all those hours to reflect about proposition, but about her. Shyness, insecurity, vulnerability. Feelings that would have damaged my "career", if you can call it that. They were all silly feelings. On the other hand, Elizabeth appeared to be very kind towards me, we couldn't say she was a snob or vain. A special feature, which struck me a lot. Someone like her could afford everything.

It was 2 am. Although I was willing to accept, it was late. She was surely sleeping. But suddenly, I remembered her sentence: "I never sleep at night".

Was it a way to make me understand she cared about a positive response by me? Maybe.

So, finally, I made up my mind. I was going to accept. I went crazy by the desire of changing my life. And that was the perfect chance. I reached the phone and typed the number on the card. Began to ring.

"Hello?" They said from the other side. It had to be Chen, her assistant.

"Yes, hello... I'm Iria, the girl from the pub. I want to apologize at first about the time but..." I had to come up with an excuse and quickly, I couldn't show my stupid insecurities. "I've been very busy since now." What a terrible liar.

"Oh hello! Don't worry, thank you for calling!" Luckily, she took it very well. I suddenly heard a background voice.

"Is she?" The voice said.

"Yes she is!" Chen answered, it had to be Elizabeth. "Uhm Iria, there's Elizabeth who wants to ta———" her voice got interrupted from the superstar's. "Hi honey!" She said with shrill voice, although it was pretty late. Honey...

"Oh good evening mrs Taylor... I was apologizing with your assistant for calling so late..."

"Oh stop it, I told you, I don't sleep at night! So? Have you given any thought to my previous proposal?" She asked with a hint of stir.

"Yes ma'am... I've been thinking about this a lot and.... Well I would be honored. So yes, I'm going to accept your proposal."

"YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!" An exclamation that I would never expected in my life, came out of her mouth. I was so positively shocked, I loved when people revealed as I wished.

"But ma'am, it should be me the excited one! I don't deserve this reaction!" I said, trying to make her a compliment.

"Are you saying that you're not excited?" She said, with a stern voice. My blood freeze.

"Oh no no no absolutely, I didn't mean——-" a loud laugh echoed from the phone.

"Relax baby, I was kidding!" I breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, it scared the shit out of me... "So, I'd be okay to describe you all the details but I'm sure you need more rest than me... so what do you think if we meet each other tomorrow evening for dinner? You can ask all the questions you have, then I think it's better than talking on the phone at 2 am."

She used a firm tone, she really was how she looked, straight, like she doesn't give you choice, but at the same time she had such a sweet and compassionate side.

"Yeah, no problem for me. I hope it's the same for you."

"Same! Can you please give me your address! We're going to pick you up, if it's okay for you!"

I didn't hesitate, I immediately told her my address. It was surreal, a few people had my address, one of them was Elizabeth Taylor. Impossible to realize.

"Good... I.... Wanna thank you immensely Mrs Taylor! Really, it doesn't seem but... I'm speechless! I'll be forever thankful for this!" I said, like a babygirl receiving her favorite Christmas gift. I heard a pleased sound from her , she was probably smiling.

"Don't thank me, I'm proud of this choice." There was a moment of silence, but it was pleasant. We couldn't see each other, but we both could swear we were smiling. "Are you going to sleep now?" She asked me, almost whispering.

"I think yes... It's been an intense day!" I said with a smile. She sweetly giggled. What a mysterious woman... "But you'll sleep too, please." I heard her sighing, I immediately felt a hint of sadness. "I would be sad if you don't..." I tried to convince her, I was really sorry. After a few seconds, she said:

"Alright, I try." A smile painted on my lips. In a certain way, the fact something stopped her from sleeping, it kind of bothered me. And when there's something that stops you from resting, it's never something positive.

"Then I'm going to check on your dark circles tomorrow!" I said ironically, which she laughed. A sweet, warm laugh and in the same time, a melody. It carried an incredible sense of security.

"So... goodnight Iria." She said, almost in a whisper.

"Goodnight" I replied with a smile.

She hang up first. It was weird, at the end of that conversation I felt a sense of melancholy. It's been nice, I wasn't used to it, nor for talking on the phone at that time of the night. But knowing that I was going to meet her again the next day, made disappear that negative feeling instantly. What was wrong with me? I barely knew her...

(ENG) Wherever You Will Go (Helena Bonham Carter as Elizabeth Taylor Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now