Happy Birthday

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Luan was once again in her cell. After she failed attempt to kill all of her family she was arrested and sent back to the mental institution. To prevent her from escaping her legs were strapped on an upright gurney with a straitjacket while last time she was free to wander around her cell, this time she was stuck in one place. Luan wasn't too happy to be back here, but she won't be around here for long.

Her cell door was open, revealing a male doctor alongside two guards with their tasters ready. The doctor walked up to Luan and asked "How are you still alive? You were sentenced to death, you had no pulse, and your body was buried. How are you alive?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm a zombie. Brrraaaiiinnnsss." Luan joked around.

The doctor sighed in annoyance.

"Doc, we have been questioning her for a month ever since she got here. You're not going to get her to talk. Everyone has been trying. We have been taking it easy on her. I think it's time for some shock therapy." one of the guards said as he pulled out his taster.

"Oh, how shocking! Haha! Get it?" Luan joked around.

"No." the guard said as he was ready to taste her.

"Alright, alright, I'll talk. No need to force yourself to use force! Haha!" Luan said.

The guard grunted in annoyance. He backed away as the doctor stepped forward. "I'm going to ask you again how are you alive?" the doctor ordered.

Luan said "Oh, well I'd be happy for you. It's a knife story!"

Suddenly she breaks free of her straitjacket, pulls out a pocketknife, and slashes the doctor in the throat with the knife.

The guards ran up to Luan, ready to attack her. But Luan threw the pocketknife toward one of the guard's eyes. He screams in agony while holding his eye.

The other guard pulls out his taster and is ready to taste Luan, but she grabs the guard in front of her by the collar and uses him as a human shield. Instead of Luan being tasted, the guard in front of her was. The other guard stopped as he realized he tasted his fellow guards. Luan let go of the guard in front of her. She pulled out the pocketknife from his eye with then headbutted him. Causing him to fall backward and crash into the other guard.

She quickly cut up the straps on her legs and was free. The unharmed guard got up and ran over to Luan. He tries to taste her, but she ducks down and stabs him in the stomach. She pulled out the knife. The guard fell to his knees and Luan stabbed him in the throat, killing him. He fell to the ground.

Luan walked up to the other guard who passed out from being shocked. Luan stomped on his head a few times, killing him.

She then walked up to the doctor who was still alive but barely "It was a knife to meet you! Haha! Get it?"

She then stabbed him in the throat again, this time stabbing him all the way through, killing him. "Haha! Get it?!"

Luan walked to one of the guards to find the keys but as she was about to grab them with her left arm, she stopped as she noticed that her left hand was missing. Luna shot Luan in the hand, and the doctors had to amputate it, so now Luan is missing both legs and a hand. At least she has metal legs to replace her legs, but she has nothing for her hand "F#ck!" Luan said.

Luan grabbed the keys with her other hand and headed towards the door "Thank you, Dr. Rebecca, for teaching escape artists." Said Luan.

This is how Luan escaped from her straitjacket. Dr. Rebecca taught Luan how to do that.

"And thanks for teaching me how to hide things in my throat."

This is how Luan seemed to pull a knife out of nowhere. She just spat it out before anyone came to her cell. She also escaped from her straitjacket earlier as well. She was only pretending to still be struck to catch them off, guard.

Birthday Suprise: The Final Chapter part 1Where stories live. Discover now