Birth of the Future Queen

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April 15, 1960

The morning was broken by the painful scream of Queen Ezelle of Britain. The mediwitches and maids were working left and right to prepare for the birth of the heir.

The screams only got more painful until finally, after what felt like days, a little girl was born. The maids cleaned her up, put her in a swaddle and handed her back to the queen. The King was finally allowed in the room.

"What are you going to name the young princess Your Highness, Your Majesty?" Asked the head mediwitch.

"Isabella" Queen Ezelle answered, "Princess Isabella, The Third" said King Chester.

The couple was later alone with their daughter who was being admired by her parents when a bright light shone through the sky and two blurry figures appeared in front of the couple. King Chester stood in front of his wife and daughter protectively.
The figures were finally made recognisable and King fell to his knees in a bow.

"King Otaha, Queen Anastasia. How-" The King began in confusion. Recognition flashed through Queen Ezelle's eyes and she bowed her head in respect.

"Chester, Ezelle, you have been taking good care of the Kingdom I see, but, oh yes, dark times are coming" The King bowed his head in agreement.

"Bring the little girl towards us, my dear" Anastasia said to Ezelle.

The queen looked towards her husband for assurance, he nodded.

"Ah yes, the girl is destined for greatness. She will be the saviour of the world." Said Otaha
"She has the same gift as me, My Crown knows that its new holder has arrived." Said Anastasia

"She will be a threat to the dark side. She will attract danger but you must keep her safe." Said Otaha. "She should be informed of her responsibilities as soon as she is old enough to understand." Her parents were informed.

"Our blessings are with her." Said Anastasia, and then the place where the echoes stood was left empty again.

The couple glanced at each other worriedly and then looked down at their daughter who slept peacefully.
The same gift as Queen Anastasia....

Elemental Manipulation.

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