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Our story begins summer 1985...

The sun shining and there goes the school bell - end of the school year. And there she walks. Her golden hair in perfect curls, cute mini skirt and high platform sandals the ones that just came out - the newest summer collection. This is my grandma well she wasn't a grandma then, she was the prettiest girl in school. She was heading home with her best friend Evan. Friends ever since he moved in the house next to hers in 1st grade. They were currently heading home to get ready for the best party of the year. Liam or shall I say the richest person in class was hosting 'End of Junior Year party'. The only party were the whole year was invited not only the 'cool' kids.

Let's just skip this part and head straight to 11.45 - the night of the party.

At midnight it was planned a big hide and seek game. You had to be hidden by 12.  And then the timer goes off. (It's 00.00) 




Three gun shots get fired. Someone screams.


Everyone runs out. 

Lucy or shall I say my dear grandma runs out of the house and their it is 2 options to choose from. A) run into the neighbourhood, where everyone was running = no shelter or B) Run into the forest = a lot if shelter and less people meaning less chance that the shooter would be there.

And so option B won. She runs into the forest. Hearing gunshots in the distance. She keeps running - at least the years of cross country had payed off. She kept running not even turning behind her.

Shes ran for what felt like hours and decides to hide behind the large tree. She sits  down behind a large tree. Finally, getting the chance to notice the beautiful moon which led her here.

And then as  she was getting over the fact that she just had to runaway from a shooter or shall I say a killer. 

She heard something.

Well it was more than one thing she heard multiple things or were these footsteps.

She heard them coming from different directions. Coming closer and closer.

Was it the end. Was she gunna die?!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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