part 5

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Evil God says, " The person who had terrible life is granted with few opportunities where they can be as good as fairy helping others but some are not that Good nor bad they have a little evil inside them as humans can never be perfect so as a first phase they are evil God and later when their human period ends they become pure good fairy"
Anaya says, "seems good to hear "
Evil God then sends anaya to an another world but before that her phone was dropped somewhere so she asks evil God to let her find her phone and then she will happily go to another world.
But evil God said that is your fate you will know it afterwards so you don't have to find it" Anaya trusted evil God and happily went to another world.
For which a large hole on earth's ground was formed. And anaya jumped inside it and evil God took anaya's look in human world.
Evil God was then talking to her boss saying, " I am now living as anaya and she has dropped into another world and she trusts me haha"
Her boss asked, " There are so much worlds where is she? "
Evil God hesitated saying, " I don't know I forgot "
Her boss was angry on her so he then sparks a lightning on her.
Evil God then sits below a tree of a nearby forest trying to heal she then comes in her original face where she was tiny little fairy who was catched by her boss and because of some reasons she has to work for him.
She was just like a human wearing tiny white wings with a shady pink hat and wearing a white plane T-shirt and pink pants and jacket with long white net stockings and pink shoes.

Anaya was now in a world where war was just ended there were no humans nor animals. Not even the evil God and fairy. There was just destruction of the trees, rocks and houses and only the dead animals were seen which were a mixture of animals.
She found a little animal stuck below the broken tree she tried to help him and took him in her hand. That animal was looking like the mixture of vampire, hamster and the cat. Which was having cat ears vampires wings hamsters tiny nose and body.
She then thought it might be the world of hybrids.
That little animal then spoke saying, " Hey anaya, I'm steff a vamterat"
Anaya asked about how he knows her and steff said, " You are actually in hybrids world where we are all intelligent animals and what you see here is actually observed by a person who is referred as a boss of worlds who has immune power and no one can ever defeat him but he is good in evil way! " Anaya was confused but boss was happy looking her fall in hybrid world he now wanted to create a hybrid of fictional characters like mermaid+human+evil God+jellyfish and many more like that..
Steff then told anaya saying, " I may be later controlled by boss to hurt you so don't trust me either if you went to right side you will find a high bridge where a hybrid of deers+cheetahs are present it is hard to cross that world but you can because you are not a hybrid but boss is evil so he can make you a hybrid soon so I want you to leave this world "
Saying this anaya says, " I'm grateful to meet you. This all looks like a story but I think if you leave this hybrid world boss can't be then control you so let us try to take you along with me"
Saying this steff says ok and went along with anaya.
Boss then says , " Haha, this girl is fun. She don't know I am already controlling steff hahaha.. "
So when anaya and steff went to the sizzling bridge there...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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