Part II: Then Fall Back Together Chapter 34

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"Taylor babe?"

"How are you doing?"


Harry's text messages stared right back at him. He hadn't heard a single thing from Taylor all day and he was becoming increasingly worried. He even tried calling her but each time, it would lead to her voicemail.

"Hey, it's Taylor. You've reached my voicemail, sorry I didn't answer the call. Byee." Beep

Harry hung up, frustrated. She wasn't answering his calls or texts. It did feel nice to hear her soothing, angelic voice though. It really was the only way Harry got to hear her voice, like she was talking to him, like she was right there beside him. He pushed away the negative and toxic stuff in his mind that might've happened to her. Her phone might have just died. For 3 hours? She just may be busy.

To get his mind off of Taylor for a while, he called up Sophia.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey, do you want to go for lunch?"

"Sure!" her voice brightened.


"So, has your boyfriend heard about-have you told him-"

"Yes, I did." Sophia cut Harry off, knowing what he meant. They were seated in a booth in a small restaurant with few people whom paid no close attention. "He wasn't too happy. I told him we were just friends but I don't think believes me." she continued.

Harry was saddened to hear that news. "What's his name? You never told me."

"Liam," she answered. That name rang a bell in his mind. He knew a Liam somewhere...Then the name went off like a gong, like the Liberty Bell.

"Liam Payne?" the name instantly clicked into his brain.

"Yes. How did you know?" Sophia stared at him with a puzzled expression.

"Oh my god, Liam and I were like best buds growing up. We had many play dates together as kids and hung out with each other a lot. We were almost like brothers," Harry explained with a smile on his face, recalling the old memories.

"Well, what a coincidence!" Sophia clapped her hands together.

"Tell him I said 'Hi,'" Harry told her.

"I sure will," she beamed.


"So this is why he didn't want me to come with him," Taylor said to herself bitterly, scrolling through the new snap shots of Harry and his so called new girl friend. Taylor promised to herself, not to look at a single picture of him again nor speak his name. But she couldn't do it. She stayed up until 2 am last night, going through her camera roll, looking at the happy moments that were captured and watching the cute little videos. She had first meant to delete them but she couldn't bring herself to doing it. Her thumb wavered over the delete button, wanting to press it so bad but there was a part of her conscience telling her not to. He still loves you.

But if he does, why is he with some other girl, staring into her eyes when does eyes should be mine?

There was a constant battle going on between her and her conscience. Taylor let out a yell of frustration and madness. She couldn't take this anymore. She went to her kitchen and scoured through the cabinets, looking for something that will wipe her mind clean of all the things that have happened in the last 24 hours. It will all be like a very bad dream when she wakes up.


Harry was growing increasingly worried by the minute. He was pacing around in his old bedroom, anxiously waiting for a response. Any kind of response from Taylor. "That's it." he finally said. Harry grabbed ahold of his suitcase which was already packed and his jacket in his other hand. When he was by the foot of the stairs was when his father looked up from the newspaper.

"Son, wh-what are you doing?" he asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm heading back to New York." Harry spat.

"NO. You are staying here with us- and Sophia," his father demanded.

"DAD, I don't love her. I love Taylor. You and no one else can never change that," Harry yelled and went straight to the door.

"Don't you dare set foot outside," his father threatened.

Harry paused and looked back. "Goodbye," he said before stepping outside into the warm afternoon. It was 3:45 and he already booked the next flight back to New York.

"Don't be surprised if we don't show up at your wedding," Harry's father barked. Harry walked to his car as if nothing happened and ignored the last comment his father just made.

An hour later, Harry was aboard on a first class airplane. He wished he could've taken his private jet instead because it would've been so much faster. Harry wasn't used to being around other people during plane rides. He did not have privacy and it made him uncomfortable. He took out his phone and pressed the home button, which showed his lockscreen of Taylor, him, and Olivia. Harry ran his thumb over Taylor's smiling face, wishing that it'd come to life. A tear dropped onto his phone screen. "I'm coming for you, Tay," he whispered.


Taylor had lost count of how many shots she had taken. She grew dizzier by each second, the alcohol washing away the images of Harry. Her head started pounding, until it was more of a headache. "Oww," she whined, resting her head on the table with her arms wrapped around it.

"Taylor?" she heard a familiar voice called and there was pounding on the door. Though, she could've easily imagined that voice and mistook the pounding to be her head. "Taylor, let me in or I'm going to have to knock this door down," he demanded.

After waiting for about 30 seconds, Harry glanced around in the hall way, and gave the door his hardest kick. The door immediately flew open and he saw a wasted Taylor, sitting alone and crying. Harry gulped and walked towards her, placing his left hand over hers. Did I do this to her?
Taylor looked up and at first, her vision was blurry through the tears. She blinked them away and saw Harry standing before her. She stood up and began observing the figure standing in front of her. "No, I am hallucinating, this isn't real," Taylor thought aloud.

"Yes it is real babe," Harry told her. Taylor reached out and touched one of his curls, twisting them around her finger. She let the tips of her fingers glide down the side of is face, stopping at the lips.

"If this is real, why did you come back? What made you come back? I heard that you were out and about with some other girl." Sob was building in her throat.

"I know. What you heard was true but I couldn't stop thinking about you. I love you Taylor," he half whispered. Harry held her by the waist to keep her body from swaying back and forth. "All right, I think it's time for you to go to bed," Harry chuckled.

He carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed, tucking her in. Before he left to go sleep on the couch, Taylor caught his hand and pleaded, "Stay with me?"
Harry crawled in with her and she nestled close to him. Taylor fell asleep, once again, feeling like her life was complete.

A/N: Keep in mind Taylor is drunk. She ain't taking him back that easily. 😛

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