Part 1

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Gemma's POV.

Today is the first day of college and I'm terrified to go out and interact with new people! Damn me for being socially awkward. Hence, I have just one best friend...sshh. I hop out of bed and drag myself to the bathroom. I begin to brush my teeth and soon after I take a shower. The warm water flowing down my body refreshes me a bit.

Humming the lyrics of "Steal My Girl" I finish my shower in a bit. Since I'm really not worried of how I look on the first day of college, I just put on my 'Iron Maiden' band t-shirt and some ripped blue jeans. After applying some mascara and lip balm I slip on my vans and grabbing my coat, I head downstairs.

Mom's busy making pancakes while Dad's busy reading the headlines for today. Marcus is playing with our pup Ajax. Marcus maybe a cute sibling but at times he gets on my nerves! My family's like the typical family you see in movies. I head towards the table and take a seat beside Dad.

"Morning daddy" I chirp beside him.

"Morning, darling" he wishes me with a smile and gets back to reading his paper.

"Gem look! I finally found my hot wheels car!" Marcus yelled beside me.

I turned around to look at Marcus and Ajax all over each other and giggled at the sight.

"Told you so. Now you better keep it safe or Ajax will try to swallow it!" I playfully tap Marcus on his head. He nods and continues to play with the pup.

"Honey, what on earth are you wearing? It's your first day in college and this is how you dress to impress? Oh my..." Mum begins her rant of how I dress poorly even though I'm a daughter of a famous fashion designer.

"Jaysus! Calm down ma! I'm just really comfortable in this outfit. Besides, who cares about what people think?" I complain.

"Gemma Downer. You are a fashion disaster. Anthony! Tell your daughter to dress well." She turns towards my father and continues her rant.

"Maggie, let the girl decide for herself. She's old enough to know what is good and bad." Dad smiles at mom.

"Try out some other outfits too, love. At least for the sake of your mother." Dad laughs and ruffles my light brown hair.

"Alright...just for you mom!" I say and she smiles with satisfaction.

We quickly eat our breakfast and I leave home after kissing my parents goodbye and waving out to Marcus and Ajax. I begin my walk towards the hell hole aka college.

It's my first day in college and I already hate it here.

Suddenly, I bump into a hard surface. I step back a bit only to see my best friend, Caleb White standing in front of me with a huge smirk plastered to his face.

"Well, hello there little one!" he pats my head just like I patted Marcus on his head back at home.

"I'm 5'7" and that's not little!" I poke him in his abs.

Damn he surely worked out a lot this summer.

"And I'm 6'2" so your little to me! You always will be" he pokes me in my cheek.

"Get away you filth!" I push his hand away lightly.

"You know you love me so ssh." he puts his finger to his lips and tries to control a small giggle.

Wait. CALEB WHITE GIGGLES? Since when?

"Pssh, get over yourself!" I punch him in the shoulder and walk towards the corridor to find my locker.

The corridors are long and full of noisy teens. I notice some girls adjust their clothes when they see Caleb. Caleb's a tall, well built guy. He has dirty blonde hair. He's currently wearing a black V neck t-shirt that's hugging his abs and black jeans with some supras. He definitely looks hot! Wait. I did not just say that.

"Love what you see, babe?" Caleb nudges me in the shoulder.

"Not really! I was just staring at the spider on your t-shirt." I cover my mouth to control my laughter.

"What? Where is it? Gems please kill it! Please!" he yells and starts jumping beside me.

I start laughing like a hyena and flick his nose.

"You should have seen your face! Lord, your such a baby!" I try to control my laughter.

"Aah you horrible woman! Get away!" he stomps his feet like a child who wants candy.

"Bleh!" I stick my tongue out and turn around to search for my locker.

"Bye shortcake! See you at lunch." he waves and walks away. I wave back giving him a smile which he returns.

"Ouch!" a husky voice says.

"Oh my! Are you alright? I'm so sorry..." I begin to apologise to the Greek-God like boy standing right in front of me.

"Shush! You talk too much. Do you think a tiny person like you could hurt me?" he smirks.

"Excuse me. I'm 5'7" and I'm proud of it." I blurt out in defense. How can someone be so rude?

"Apologies, my love. I was just teasing. Besides, I'm new here and the name's Cody Winters." he says with a wink.

AN- Hey guys! I'll be uploading on Thursdays and Sundays. Please leave some nice comments. All the love. K x

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