Part 7

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Caleb's POV-

Walking into college, I head towards Gemma's locker as usual. It's a regular thing we've done since school days. I'd walk over to her locker, we talk about what happened the previous night and then we'd go to grab a snack from the cafeteria and then go to our classrooms. You see, I'd gotten so used to this that my legs would take me to her locker even if my brain did not tell them to.

As I reach near her locker, I notice that Gemma isn't there. I look around the corridor in case she is talking to one of the students there but no she isn't. I could recognize her from anywhere. Her tall and thin body. Brown hair. Hyper body language. That was Gemma.

She was beautiful. Even though she failed to notice it herself.

I stood resting my back on her locker and pulled my phone out from my pocket. I immediately unlocked it and dialled her number. The phone began to ring. No answer. I tried calling her a second time but just like the first time, she didn't pick up her phone.

I was worried now. Why wasn't she picking up her phone? Is she okay? What if something happened to her? Jesus! No! I need to check on her.

I was now pacing the corridor like a worried dad with my phone in my hand and the other hand in my pocket. Should I see if she's home?

That's it! I'm going to her place. With that, I walked straight out of college and got into my black SUV. Taking a sharp turn, I drive in the direction of Gemma's house. I hope she is alright. The palms of my hands are starting to get moist and pale as I change the gears only to increase my speed. Thankfully, there aren't many cars on the road so I reach her house safely.

As I park my car in her drive way, I see some movement in the house next door. I get off the car and peep through the little bushes in Gemma's yard only to see Gemma and Cody with a middle-aged woman enter the house. Gemma is playfully throwing light punches in Cody's direction and he is dodging them like a pro. All of them are laughing.

He is with my Gemma. He is having fun with my best friend.

I clutch my fists hard to lessen the anger that is burning within me. I slam the door of my SUV shut and run towards them. Cody sees me coming and stiffens. His eyes are now focused on me. Gemma notices his sudden change of behaviour and turns around to face me directly. She has a shocked look.

"Caleb? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at college?" She comes towards me and places her hands on my shoulders. I push her hands off and glare down at her.

"Why would you care if I were I were at college or not? Would you even care if I died in a car accident? No. You wouldn't." I yell at her. My anger subsides a bit when I see her flinch at my tone. She looks down at the ground and whispers a small sorry.

"Sorry? No Gemma! You aren't sorry." The anger's back again. I look at Cody now. His mom already went in before I could reach them. So it's just us three now.

"You need to stay away from Gemma or else, I'll have to intervene." I threaten him only to earn a smirk from him. That bastard!

"You can't do that, Caleb! Why can't Cody and I be friends?" A soft voice from behind me speaks. Gemma comes and stands in front of me blocking Cody. I just stare down at her. What is she talking about?

"Why can't I meet Cody? He's my neighbour and he's also in my class..why can't I meet him?" She questions again. This time she comes closer to me. We're merely a few inches apart.

"Because he's trying to steal my best friend away from me. Because today when you didn't turn up at college, I got worried sick about you. I thought something bad happened to you! I tried calling you but you wouldn't answer your calls. I left college and came to see if you were okay but once I got off my car, all I saw how happy you were with him!" I point towards Cody. Just like that my anger died down. It all got washed away. Just by looking at Gemma.

"Oh Caleb! Cody's not like you think he is. He's a nice guy too. He isn't trying to steal me away from you! Are you Cody?" She turns around and looks at him waiting for an answer. He looks back at her and smiles brightly and nods his head. He says no? LIES.

"See! I'm your best friend, Caleb but that doesn't mean that I can't hang out with other people too!" She pokes my left cheek. Her fingers seem to be ice cold...

"Promise me that you'll always be my best friend!" I take her hand in my hands.

"Promise." She pulls back her hand and feeling of hurt takes over me because she took her away but she pulls me into a hug! A bone crushing one!

"Now smile you idiot!" She says during the hug.

"Uh..I think I'm gonna go back in now. You know what Gems, you should spend some time with Caleb. I'll see you later?" Cody looks down and ruffles his hair.

"Oh..okay, Cods! I'll see you later. Bye and oh yes, I had lots of fun today! Your mom's amazing!" She smiles brightly and waves goodbye to him.

Cody for the first time ever since I met him, looked hurt. He just nodded and shut the door.

"So, best friend! What do ya wanna do now?" Gemma looks at me with an excited face! She looks so cute when she has her excited look on, just like a child who's been told let's go to Disney Land.

"Well, there's this new movie out this week! Maybe we can go watch it!? I've been told that it's brilliant! So what do you say?" It's my turn to be excited now.

"It better be worth my money, White!" She starts to walk along the path way out of Cody's yard.

"I hope so too, shortcake!" She continues to walk knowing that I'm not far behind.

"Call me shortcake one more time and I'll disown you." She warns. Like as if she's really gonna do that! Ha.

"Shortcake!" I tease her. I love the face she makes when she's irritated.

"Caleb White. I hate you. Ugh." She stomps her feet and throws me a death glare.

"Ooh! I'm scared. Even the Queen knows that you don't hate me. Oh and you are a horrible liar." I nudge her in her arm. She comes closer to me. So close that I can even hear her breathing. My heart begins to beat faster! What is she doing to me?

"You asked for it, Cal!" She smirks and starts to tickle me! Oh my lord! Save me!

"Gem-oh my gah! Stopppp! Okk-Kay I'm sorry! Pl-stopp!" I try to resist her hands while I'm laughing my ass out. An old lady who's passing by gives us a scowl look and mutters something under her breathe. Save me!

"Say you'll never call me shortcake ever again!" She demands and begins to laugh at my position.

"Oh-Kay woman! I shall never call you that!" I surrender and she stops tickling me. I stand there with my palms resting on my knees to catch some air. My stomach hurts from all the laughter.

When she's straightening off her top I walk a few steps ahead of her.

"Shortcake!" I yell and start to run. I know she's running after me because I can hear her beautiful mouth throw horrible words at me! I bet this is a funny sight to the passers-bys.

How I love this woman who currently hates me for calling her that name!

Soon enough we both give up and start to walk slowly towards the cinema. We talk about random stuff. Stuff like the latest gossip at college, our weird relatives, our shitty teachers. Everything and anything.

We enter the cinema and I go ahead to book the tickets. Gemma heads over to the snacks counter and orders some caramel and cheese popcorn and some cokes. There's not much people since it's a week day.

We walk together to the cinema hall with our snacks and movie tickets. We have done this almost a million times together but everytime I do something with her it seems like it's our first time. I'll never get tired of this. NEVER.

AN: Is this even a good chapter? God! Save me haha. All the love guys. Don't forget to vote and comment. x

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