The Painful Pleasure

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Here is the first chapter of my novel . Do read, comment and suggest me how it was . I would be pleased if you give me critical views.

Hope you like it.

A feeble and a pain-filled voice cried, "No, I can't carry on anymore" it was she the one with me, breathing heavily, and walking with difficulty, with injuries in her leg that had draped her into red.

She was by my shoulders and was going through terrible pain. Those were the nasty moments, moments that no one would ever live to endure again and again, moments that were bound to force the soul out of the mutilated body. Her beautiful body which was till then object of much wonder, was today totally gory, and that Ill lucked arrow was stuck right between her soft shoulders and chest, just escaping the lungs and another was there, in the corner of her waist almost fixed up in the pelvic bone .
Blood was gushing out, though slowly, but relentlessly. Her hair which were a priceless asset of her body, were now all open, making ways down to her waist, all thick, but were muddy same as her body. The freedom she gave them to enjoy the whiffs of the wind had today robbed them of a single breath. She was dead tired, and was in unbearable pain.
Anyone for that matter would cry out the pain one has in the single sight of her through eyes red and lame. After every few steps, she used to shriek and pressed the shutters of her large beautiful eye too tight, that not even a molecule of water would find ways out of it even when her body was battling a defeated fight.
I knew she was in great trouble and death was inching close by with every passing moment, but still there was the hope that powered every step ahead, something very bleak. A thing we could only hope of in that dense forest, that seemed reluctant to offer a single road out of it, and was waiting for the death much awaited.
Robbed of any choice, we were made to fight, a war that left us scattered and half-dead and it seemed that that's gonna be the last night. That evening seemed too long, the hope to see the next day was the only thing for my princess that had kept her alive for so long.
I too was brutally hurt. My body was totally mangled and mutilated. Blood was oozing out of it, here and there, but fortunately in slow torrents. It was a pain I could have never been able to bear.But before her strength and courage to face the pain the without trace of tear, my pain seemed to lose all its force behind and I did not bother to care.
They were just cuts, where as she has lost her a whole finger. Two arrows like albatross around her neck, were every now and then hurting her and awarding her angelic soul a, slow death, something that was heart piercing.
I could not even imagine the pain she was dealing with. The expression she did present was just one percent of it, and even that was killing and heart breaking to me. My eyes were soggy, but I cannot cry, I was the pedestal of her pillar that would have rusted with tears that replaced smile, jewelry she always wanted me to wear, the coat of arms in wars besides her.
"But dear, we are still not out of the forest and you can see we can't run too, so we must walk only and should be steady in it" I said in the most convincing of tones.
"Prajval, please, see there is a raised structure, and a clearing too, we could stay here for some rest after which we could continue our journey "she spoke with much difficulty and tiredness. There was an extreme softness in her words amplified by the pain she was bearing.
It seemed that the lamp of her life was dying out of the lack of fuel. The flames were flickering in the cold breeze of pain cruel and new. She was very delicate now, was dragging her ways out, painting the land with her pious blood, blood that had sworn to fight and convert evils of society into assets.
I knew it for sure , that this blood of her and mine , would definitely invite ,the scavengers of land and sky , but my mind was wired not to think about future ,at that time , anymore , for the future itself seemed invisible to eyes.
The arrows around her were making it more painful and that girl was still striving and had been for that matter traveled for the past 6 hours continuously into the direction , which lead nowhere , but hell ,and even that was far now .
I did not have the courage to inflict any more pressure or pain to her to speak to or urge me for it. We simple walked to that clearing, under a big tree of some unknown species in an unknown land, where even the sense of time was lost. Just a tinge of orange was there visible from the dark inside which was increasingly being engulfed by the dark clouds, that seemed to have accumulated to mourn over the death of that angel.
I propped her up with one of her hand on tree, made myself free of her load, to clear up the land of the pebbles and make place for the last and permanent rest for this great girl.
I with much care and affection, placed her body (for though she was alive, she was not having any life) on the right, making the arrows stay afloat there in her body. She had held my hand too tight, with a force that seemed to crumble my fingers down, but still her hand was shaking.
She had fought battles a lot, and so was she going to win the last battle too, the last wish of her life, something she wanted at the end of her life seemed to be fulfilled dream at this time.
The dream, which she once in a cold and silencing tone said, the dream of death as a warrior against the crimes of society dread. A rare pursuit that lead her here, something that is not at all is expected from a girl of age 15 near.
After heaving for the past five minutes, with attempts of taking every breath to lessen the pain held, she opened her light blue eyes, which were full of water and love for the one besides. She then hiding all her pain behind, gave a wonderful smile, and instructed with her magical eyes. With such a nice beauty in it that it could make anyone on Earth, lose his heart over that eye and that smile.
She then held my hand close to her lips, awarded it with a kiss, and then moved her fingers straight. Oh! That soft touch of her, and those beautiful long and artistic fingers. Oh! That such a gaze moved me out of all pain and made it look as a graphical computer game.
Then moved her soft fingers over my hand, in attempts to arouse laughter she had put as a demand. She was simply smiling, with no visible reason to me, and was simply looking deep into my eyes, as of wanted to tell everything that words could never ever mean.
After a long moment, she broke into laughter, and directed my hand over the arrow that was stuck in the corner of her belly over her white frock suit that she was given by the person, very close, who was no more. With this, the moment did turn quiet and she with her eyes and head conveyed to me to close to her ear to listen what she wanted to let me know through her eyes
"Do bless me once" she spoke softly in my ear
"Ya, say "I too in the same tone
"Tear off this cloth over that wound and pull this arrow out of my body, don't argue, just do it"
It was quite necessary , probably the pain she had endured till now had weaken her soul up and now wanted to get rid of the arrow , or in a case of this body itself .
I looked to her for a minute, and then struggled with the thread of her cloth, it was the last gift of that person who had blessed her a lot, and made a way to reach to her arrow at stake.
At last, I did succeed in it. She was still smiling, even after knowing that what she wanted to go through would give her such a pain and would make her life even weak, and crumble her heart down just like an ant under the elephant's mighty feet.
I looked long to her, with the thought in my mind, which every now and then brought up tears and scary sensations over body mine, for this was too painful to think of. To tear the arrow that had become a part of her body.
The thought that with this pulling of the arrow, her soul too could lose the body. I never wanted to do that, but for the thing was such, that I had no clear choice, the reaction of metal could have spoiled her blood and so her life.
I was reluctant to do that, but she with her slow and beautiful shuttering of her eye was every time assuring me that nothing would happen with her and she would be fine.
I took hold of the arrow. With the knife in hand cut a big part of it. Sending commotions that shacked her life, and still whenever I looked she gave me a forced smile. Thinking I will not understand, what really lies behind, I knew it would it would give her tremendous pain, but no way from there is all I say.
This would be a hurdle for the moments ahead, and needed to be removed for life that is now quite dread. I did cut it after a minute or two, leaving only the part behind, the part I needed to take hold to drive this ill-fated arrow out of the pious body and with the hope of meeting her magical gaze for the last time, I closed to her head and spelt softly to her ear
"Do forgive for this "in a very drawl tone. I met her eyes for once and they seemed to wanted to speak something, but the mouth had lost her utterance and she was left dumb with only eyes to convey
And then looking over her eye which then again smiled over the suspicion I had derived, I turned back , to turn her aside to pull the arrow out, that was taking slowly and slowly her precious life .
I closed my eyes. took deep breathes and after seating a strong stone over my soft heart and head, went with closed eye to pull the arrow out of her body tight .
And what happened then ,burst my emotions in such a way that I couldn't control my tears for at least some minutes painful and dread , I denied looking over her to avoid let her have her murderess's gaze and to excuse myself the looks of my best friend's death .
She shrieked very painfully. The sound resonated throughout the forest .and continued for quite too long. She kicked in pain two three times and rolled over the land frantically. She was wailing badly, and then kept groaning, a sound which went piercing my soul, bleeding my heart, after a break of over all five minute or so, she went numb.
perfect silence did prevail, from the corners of my eye , I could not find any moment in her body in any way , and to me this was her departure in great dismay , I knew I was not going meet her anymore. She had left this world stage and was no more.
I do not know how long did I cry over her. The sky had turned black and it too was shedding its tears down over the body of her. In a marks of reverence, that sun had come making ways, down it did descend to have a look over her face, and bless her again, to live a life after death, for the mankind's to prosperity gain .
From far did I hear, the commotion of shrubs, and was sure, it was to be some man-eaters. I took out the knife, and lied down waiting for the last battle of my life. At last did I hear, the groaning of wolfs, and in minutes ahead, I found the horse trot moving ahead.
I closed up to her dead soul , and wrapped myself around her whole, not to let any arrow pierce her and let her killers believe that she had a death encounter .
I closed my eye, and waited for the trots to arrive. They closed and stopped abruptly, and then a man dropped out of it. I knew, I had to die, for this night, had turned for me very quiet, and the sun with colors bright, was the last of the light, I ever had in my sight.
The man did pause and left the horse, tied to the tree, he left, but never came back to me, I heard his feats moving far, and they never inched close to the piece of my heart. I with much patience and pain did open my eyes to find a big gain.
Something, which later seemed illusion, but then it was a great revelation, and it proved me this that not all that seems is always correct.
There was she, smiling ahead, and softly she moved her fingers red, over my face, and stopped me from making words race. and gave a big broad and brilliant smile, that moved my heart by million miles, I felt I was dreaming, I rubbed my eyes twice, but yes the scene was same, she was there in front of me, quite alive . She did not let me speak, but went again numb and clutched my hand tight. I knew the dark that had begun, the only fear of her life, she spoke to my fearful, and surprised eyes, for that night may scare her, for this was the only phobia she ever had in life. She closed her eyes, and spoke to me, with heart stealing smile.
"Don't go anywhere, nor do you believe I would be dead, it's just a sleep I am going in, that would soon descend, into a life, and we will together accomplish, like the flying flames in the dark sky."

Hope you liked it and now just turn up to me and tell me how was it. I am in dire need of suggestions .
Your support is highly solicated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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