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Wilbur Pov:
Als ich sie los lies ratte sie auf ihr zimmer hmmm vllt habe übertrieben uhmmm neee. Ich ging ins bad um duschen zugehen aber als ich rein kam
Sah ich y/n die nackt war









Warte.. OMG AHHH "TUT MIR LEID" schrie ich und schloß die tür. Rannte dann auf mein zimmer und schloß mein zimmer.
Eine weile verging und es klopfte an der tür. "Will kann ich rein" es war y/n
"Es tut mir wirklich leid" sagte ich "nein alles gut war auch irgendwie meine schuld" sagte sie "ich hätte klopfen sollen" meinte ich "stimmt" sagte sie provokant.
Wir redeten noch eine weil und sie erzählte mir etwas über sich. Ich sah erst jz ihre wunder schönen y/e (your eye color?) "Wilbur?" Sagte sie und Riss mich aus meinen gedanken "oh uhm" sagte ich verwirtt. "Du hast mich angestarrt" sagte sie mit diesem (😏) gesicht. "Oh naja du bist ja auch bezaubernt" lachte ich nur. Y/n wurde leicht rot und gab mir einen schubs von der seite und lachte mit mir. Ich war froh das ich sie kenne zwar nicht lange abet ich mag sie jetzt schon.

Y/n pov:
"Wollen wir vileicht spazieren gehen also nur wen du willst" fragte ich und er nickte "klar warum nicht"
"Ok gut dann werde ich mir etwas anderes anziehen"meinte ich und machte mich auf den weg zu meinem zimmer.

Such dir aus was du anziehen willst :D

"So fertig" sagte ich leise und ging runter wo will auf mich wartete und mir ein lächeln schenckte. "So hast du alles" meinte er und öffnete die tür.

Ich habe keine lust mehr jz weiter zuschreiben aber irgent was muss ich ja machen also hier song texte lol :^

Under the weight of a broken nose
It's not that simple but he won't seem to notice
There must be more to this
So leave those sink estates and
Let's book a holiday
We're painting all the counties in blue
'Cause we're already boring
And we're already hoarding
What else have we got left to accrue?
And the ramblers will say
"It's got a marvelous view"
But they don't know how many lives it took, no
They'll never know what you knew
And we're so calm but we're (fucking scared, fucking scared)
And we're so calm but we're (fucking scared, fucking scared)
And we're so calm but we're (fucking scared, fucking scared)
And we're so calm but we're fucking scared of people like you
Under the weight of some Sertraline
A couple Prozacs and now I'm pumping dopamine
There must be more to this
We've got a country house now
Old dog has been put down now
It's nice to be your around trees
Custom license plate
On our Audi R8
How many grocers does one county need?
And the ramblers will say
"It's still a marvelous view"
That treadmill still looms
Your hedonic misuse
So come, one and all to see the apathy
The rings of gray stencils that fill the tapestry
I look to all of you and see a different fucking species
Aspiration for a different destination to me
Across the Pennines, thin blue line, a knife and a mall
Would do something, if it wasn't also half my fault
'Cause I'm so high, my brain can't even look at the fall
And when you've reached the top there's nowhere else to go but

I thought I couldn't love anymore
Turns out I can't, but not for the same reasons as before
I use everyone I ever meet
I can't find the perfect match
Abuse those I love
While I ostracize the ones who love me
On the path of least resistance, I find myself salting the Earth
Every time that I miss you
I feel the way you hurt
And I don't deserve you
You deserve the world
Though it feels like we were built
From the same dirt
I hate to say it
But your sister was right
Don't trust English boys
With far too much free time
And I hate to say it
But your sister was right
I'm nothing but a problem
Leave you crying overnight
And I hate to say it
But your sister was right
I can't focus on the future only my short sight
I hate to say it
But your sister was right
I'm a wanker
Complete wanker
A fucking waste of time

First and foremost
Oh, let it be said, my dear
I was gonna wait for you
So this is not an act of spite
It's a visceral coming-to
She wrote an album
And that's something that I can't do
But what I can do is spit the truth
And it all leads back to you
Secondly, I know I haven't written much
You know the way I can be
Tonight, I'm fucking drunk
So it's all gonna be about me
Take a seat, pull up a chair
Give me one beat to fill my glass
I've lost a piece of me in you
But you've lost all your past
Is he better than me?
Has he seen more to this life?
Can he smoke more?
Can he fuck more?
Are you good enough to be his wife?
Can he break me?
Can he break you?
Oh, I don't know what I'm to do
Yes, I don't know what I'll fuckin' do
I've seen our café, I've clocked our plans
Oh, what could have been
If you didn't go and fall in love
And ruin everything
I've seen him
I've been him
I've felt the same way
But now I break against the dirt
Along with our cafés
Is he better than me?
Has he seen more to this life?
Can he smoke more?
Can he fuck more?
Are you good enough to be his wife?
Can he break me?
Can he break you?
Well, I don't know what I'm to do
Yes, I don't know what I'll fuckin' do
I've lost all meaning
I've lost my sense of hope
I've seen him going out with you
I've seen what he can do
So touch him
And break me
Strip naked
Embrace him
Lose faith in
His pace, his
Stamina and grace
I'm losing face
I'm losing face
I'm losing
I don't care, I want you here
As long as you're happy, I don't care

Ok gut byeeee😍

my lover boyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt