96 Hours | Prologue

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All I could see was nothingness, all I could feel was thousands of blades cutting deep into my head. It was horror.

My head started to ring, and that's when my eyes finally succumbed to the light forcing its way to my vision.

What I saw was 4 people standing near me, and that tallish figure who pushed me down the stairs was gone.

This is about time when a normal person here would freak out and have a mental breakdown, but no one including myself had even a glimpse of worry on their faces.

I sat up only to see that one of my legs were covered in blood, and some blood is still pouring out.

I took off my jacket and wrapped it tightly around my legs. This should help stop the bleeding.

I tried to stand up but the pain in my legs were unbearable. But I shouldn't just be sitting here.

Gathering my strength, I used all of my force to stand up, it felt like thousands of weights were placed upon my shoulders.

I looked around to take in my surroundings, the bloodstained walls and that off-scent I just can't place my finger on was still lingering around the place. But the thing that caught my eye was 10 stools facing a large wooden desk.

Just as I went to go check the stools and desk, I heard someone speak.

"Hm? There's another person coming down the stairs." A girl that looked to be dressed as a model spoke. "Wait, it's not one person, there's 2?" She continued.

I looked behind me to where the stairs were, and to a matter of fact, there was 2 people. And they both looked almost identical except one has long hair a blue clothes and the other has short hair and has the same clothes but in red.

"Are they twins?" The police-officer looking girl asked. "Most definitely." I replied.

Watching them go down the stairs I noticed something, no, not something, someone. A tallish black figure came walking behind them and extended its arms out, and in the next second...

"Bang! Crash! Crack! Bang!"

They both were pushed down. Just like what happened to me. I was confused as no-one rushed to their aid, only to remember when I was pushed down, no-one came to help me either.

Luckily both of them seems conscious, in fact, they seem perfectly fine. Maybe I should go talk to the-

"Um..." I was cut off by the twin in blue. "Does any of you know what's happening?' They continued. It seems that most people in the room were taken aback from one of them talking. "What do you think? We're as clueless as you are." The model proclaimed.

I feel like I've met these people before...

"Come on #########! We can't miss the bus!" I screamed in joy. Why wouldn't I, it's going to be my first day of secondary school and ######### is taking me!

Huh? What was that just now? I feel like I just remembered something, but I just can't put everything together.

This is all very strange right now, maybe I should start introducing myself to people.

I went up to the twins, "Hello! Nice to meet you! My name is Jake White!" I said. "Huh? We're introducing ourselves now?" The one in blue stated. "Well if that is the case, I am Madison Smith! Pleased to meet you, maybe we could've met in better circumstances but this will do!"

Madison Smith, I've heard of her before. She's a famous journalist. But she always travels and journal everything with her brother. Which I'm guessing is the one in red.

Madison nudged the one in red for an answer. "Oh? Oh, um, my name's Maxwell Smith." He answered after being brought out of his daze.

"Why do you guys thin we ar-" I was cut off by the sound of something. It was a painful ringing in my ear. I turned around to see what it was, but all I saw was that 3 new people had came to this are, making 10 people including me to be here.

"Agh! Fuck! What is that noise!" The model cursed. Although I'd be a bit less aggressive,  my ears are also starting to hurt from the ringing, but then, that's when it began...

A tallish figure in black appeared out of nowhere. Wait... That's the one that's been pushing people down the stairs-

"Now then! Since everyone is here! We can begin!" The figure said in a low, every voice. "Let me introduce myself first! My name is Alvaro Candella Castillo! And I will be your host of all your stay here!" That's when I realised the tallish figure was speaking in a Spanish accent. But what does he mean by our stay here?

He then continued to speak. "You might be wondering, 'What do you mean by stay?' Well that's easy to answer! Everyone here, if they like it or not, will be staying here for the rest of their lives, well except 1 of course!"

"Huh?" A Guy in a suit said. "Hm? What do you mean by Huh?" Alvaro asked. "Well, what do you mean 'except 1?'" The suited man asked. "Oh that! That means only 1 of you will leave this place alive!"

I felt the exact time everyone let out a gasp. "W-What do you mean only 1 leaves alive?" A little boy said. "Well, isn't that self-explanatory? 9 of you will die, and 1 will love! Ah~ The thrill of it just makes me wanna-" Alvero's face got red.

"So this guy gets off to people dying." The woman in a police uniform said. I looked around, most people seem calm. If he had any intentions of provoking fear amongst us all, he probably would've failed, but I don't think that's what he wants...

----+Prologue End+----

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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96 Hours | Round 1 | A Road To PerilWhere stories live. Discover now