Demon in the kitchen

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Prompt: The demon stands amid your destroyed kitchen screaming "How? How were you able to summon me?!" You're standing in the corner flipping through your grandma's cookbook as fast as you can, screaming back, "I don't know!! You were supposed to be chicken soup!" 

It was a normal, average summer Saturday. One of my roommates, Chloe, and me were sitting in the living room, scrolling through our phones, occasionally showing each other memes. "I'm hungry", Chloe muttered, fixated on the screen which showed somebody cooking noodles with some sauce."Me too", I answered, as I looked on the clock. 12 p.m. Our third roommate, Mayla, wouldn't be home for another hour or so. Chloe pulled up a delivery app on her phone, "Should we order some pizza?" "Hmm. Better not, Mayla would be mad if we ordered without her. Especially pizza. It'd get cold by the time she comes home." Chloe nodded in agreement, sighed and finally stood up from the couch. She stretched and smiled at me, "I have the perfect idea"

It was a horrible idea. Chloe suggested that we could cook something from the cookbook Mayla got from her grandmother. Since she moved in a few months ago she'd always cook recipes from that for us. They were delicious. I agreed and we both flipped a bit through the pages, settling for a seemingly easy soup recipe. There was a red dot next to it, so we figured it would be a favourite or something. Also it didn't need a lot of ingredients. The only thing missing was some chicken. "I'm gonna go to the store to get it" Before I could stop her, Chloe was already out the door and on her way to the store. 

In the kitchen, I started fixing up everything. The chicken wouldn't be needed until step six. I started chopping up some vegetables, grabbing all the spices and already putting said in the water. I wanted it to be exactly as it said in the book, so Mayla would like it. She's very picky. The water started bubbling and mixed with the spices an aroma of warmth filled the air. I inhaled deeply and I thought I understood why this was Mayla's favorite. It smelled delicious. While I waited for Chloe's return with the chicken, I read the recipe once more. "Ingredients: Water, Chicken, Salt, Pepper, Onion...", I muttered while I read. The next thing I remember is my ears ringing and feeling a incredible heat washing over me. I thought the stove exploded and I got hot soup all over me, but... wait a minute. The pot was still on top of the stove, bubbling peacefully. My eyes wandered. Fridge still okay. Microwave still okay. Sink still okay. Oven...burning purple?

The shrieking noise I made didn't seem human. I immediately darted out the kitchen and slammed the door behind me shut. "Okay... calm down", I said to myself, knowingly well I wouldn't be calming down, "Everything is just fine. There is just a liiittle fire in your oven. No big deal." That's when I realized a fire in the apartment was a huge deal. I had to put it out. I jumped back into the kitchen, where the soup was still bubbling just fine, grabbed a cleaning bucket and filled it with water. On the count of three I closed my eyes, ripped open the oven and threw the water in, hoping it would be enough to put the fire out.I still had my eyes squeezed shut, waiting for some kind of sizzling noise, as the water came in contact with the hot flames. No such thing happened. All I could hear was the low bubbling of the soup. "What the fuck?", was the next thing I heard, and it was not my voice.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was one-hundred percent sure this couldn't be real. In front of me was a woman with dark purple skin, bright blue eyes and... horns? She was soaking wet and little droplets of water fell down from her horns and hair. Her pretty, but very revealing blue dress was also looking kind of droopy. Her face was beyond beautiful, but she looked mad. Very, very mad. "Why the fuck do you spill water on me?! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something? Do you even know who I am?", she asked very annoyed. I slowly shook my head. "Thought so. How the fuck did you even get in here you low-level?", she seemed very angry, but I only got more and more confused. "Low level? T-This must be a dream", I said breathlessly. I turned around and started reading the recipe once more. The horned lady tilted her head in confusion, looking around. "Wha- What did you- Are you human?!", she asked. Did I hear panic in her voice? "How? How were you able to summon me?!", she screamed. "I don't know!", I screamed back, "You were supposed to be chicken soup!!"

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