*We continue the story in the plain field where the TSFTW contestants are having a Support Group for the contestants who are part of the LGBTQ+ community and anyone who's in support. We last left off with Blueberries asking "who's next to speak" and Phone answered that 'he and headphones will go next.'*
Phone: So yeah I will speak first and with the help of his friend Lollipop Headphones soon speak next.
Plug: Alright then whenever you're ready.
*Phone stood up and coughed a little bit as they were getting ready to speak*
Phone: *Ahem!*
*Then they were ready*
Phone: Hello my fellow objects my name is Phone. I'm non-binary but I still use my he/him pronouns. But I also use they/them pronouns so for now my pronouns are he/they. So yeah I also got friends in support with me as well like Green Puffball and the Mini Golf Balls.
GP: Hello!
MGB: Um Phone?
Phone: Yes?
MGB: Green has a question for you.
Phone: Okay but let me guess is it about why I'm non-binary?
Green MGB: (meekly) Yes.
Phone: Alright then I'll be glad to answer for you. You don't need to be shy for me to answer it. I would still be happy to answer it.
Green MGB: (happily) Okay!
Phone: Alright then where should I start? I guess it'll all start when I was born. At first I knew from what my parents told me.
*Everybody started raising their hands*
Phone: Yes I did have parents and surprisingly I remember them.
*Everybody put their hand down*
Phone: Anyway, they were telling me that I was a boy when I was little. And honestly that stuck with me for a long time. It wasn't until then at certain age, I started to question my identity, my gender basically. The first I didn't put any thought of it into it, but I started to say maybe I should go by she/her. But yet that didn't feel right either. During the contest, I began searching up any good gender roles and low and behold I saw the one I could use. But at that time it was just a thought. After my elimination, I started having more identity crisis moments in my life with talking to bowling pin at the time and my screen getting shattered for a time being. During my time on Isolation Planet, I began talking to Green puffball who, after hearing my crisis so many times, told me that maybe I should start use the non-binary term for a little bit longer and see the results. As of the results, I became more comfortable with the term and it honestly suited me because as an electronic object I feel like I shouldn't be coined by what society gives me as a name, the gender name to be specific. So then after the game was over, I decided to stick by fully that I'm non-binary; I shouldn't let two primary genders keep me down and let me be who I want to be. Also in compromise I decided to keep my he/him roles as good memories but I was fully appreciate if I kept my they / them pronouns. And that's how I go by he/they now and that's the end of my story. Thank you all. For your support.
*Everybody started to clap and Phone took a bow*
Plug: That was marvelous Phone!
Backpack: Amazing job I give it 10 out of 10!
*Red MGB has sparkling eyes and they are gasping*
Red MGB: Woah, so inspiring!!
Green MGB: Ikr! But also what does non binary actually mean?
Red MGB: Oooo! I'll answer this one!
Green MGB: Wait but I want to hear the answer from Headphones!
*Headphones was shocked because that meant it was their turn to talk*
*Headphones started to get up and his legs were shaking. Lollipop started to notice this and he put his hand on his back.*
Headphones: (Gasp)
*Lollipop was smiling at him*
Lollipop: Hey you got this buddy.
*Headphones smiled back at him and they started to gain confidence*
*Headphones begin to take a deep breath and he was starting to speak*
*To Be Continued*
TSFTW Future Fanfics
FanfictionThese are fanfics of stories that could happen in the future of TSFTW. (I will write the rest later)