The Hideout

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"I wanna dance with somebody!"

"I wanna feel the heat with somebody!"

"Yahhhh, I wanna dance with somebody!!"

"With somebody who loves m-"

"Hey!" I blurted.

There stood my younger sister, Allie, with my head phones in her hand.

"The hell do you need?" I say as I yank the headphones away from her.

"Jeez.. I was just letting you know your dumb friends are at the door," she rolls her eyes and walks out of the room.

"Shit," I mouth when I realized that I looked like shit, while in a shitty situation.

"TELL THEM ILL BE THERE IN A SEC," I yell to Allie as I jump off my bed. I hear the front door open downstairs. So I threw on a simple shirt, and some jean shorts. After that, I quickly ran downstairs and The Losers were standing at the door with Allie.

"Sup Sofi, what took you so long?" Asks Mike.

"Nothing, just threw on some clothes," I say as I walk out the door, through the crowd. I open the garage, and grab my bike.

They turn around and Richie says, "Wait, so you were naked?"

"Oh my god Richard, you can't just say that," Bev says and she pinches him.

"Yah Richie. And for the record, I wasn't," I flared while jumping on my bike.

Everyone follows my lead, and flies down the driveway. "So, are we going to that one girls house?" Eddie asks. "Wasn't her name, Stacy?"

"We're not going to spy on a innocent girl," I say. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with her."
When I said absolutely nothing wrong with her, I meant the boys thought she was suspicious. Which is completely not true. She's just a weird kid.

"But you saw her. She was all weird and was making noises in the back of the class," Richie says while he then makes dog and cat noises mixed together.

"Okay, that was weird," Stan puts in. We turn a corner and head down elmers street. I could tell we were heading to the hideout.

"Maybe she's just retarded..." Richie whispers.

"Richard!" Bev yells swerving towards him so he jumps.

"What! It's true. I saw that she got a C- on that Algebra test not too long ago. Also, I bet she's eating cat food at this exact moment.," he says.

"She is not eating cat food. That's ridiculous," I blurt.

"M-maybe she has some p-problems with her. That's all," Bill adds.

"Also, have you seen your test scores, Richie? Not much better then hers," Beverly smirks.

"Shut up," Richie scoffed. Eddie coughs, and spits out something.

"Oh my god, I think I just swallowed a bug," he spats, sticking out his tongue.

We finally get to the forest and we hop off our bikes. We had to drag them through the woods. We defiantly didn't need someone stealing our bikes. (Eddies bike wheel was stolen once. He cried.) I go up right to Bev. Bill, Stan, Richie, and Eddie are behind me. Ben, and Mike are already ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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