Keni's Flower🌹

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It was the summer of our first year in highschool and I didn't have a single classmate to hang out with even though the semester was almost over.

„Hello." I greeted the art teacher as I stepped inside her cabinet.

The old woman gave me a small smile signalizing for me to come closer, „Because you are talented and practically the only art club member, I'm letting you to use the art room during lunch."

Her hand reached down to open a drawer of her desk as she gave me the keys to the room. „I understand how much you like to draw, but wouldn't it be better for you to hang out with your friends sometimes?"

I could only reply with a faint smile as I took it from her and excused myself to go to the only place in the building where I could relax.

Sitting on a stool with a brush in my hand I painted on the canvas in front of me when I heard the door opening which made me look in it's direction and spotting a tall girl - Zeng Keni.

I knew slightly about her from overhearing other students conversations. „Calm and pure with a good personality... Never saying anything bad." Was what they said about her.

I realized that the other students weren't allowed to come in here without a permission and I was preparing myself to tell her to leave before she surprised me suddenly. „Ah, fuck! Those fucking assholes..."

Taking aback from hearing such a words from the model student I mistakenly pushed into the canvas, making it about to fall.

Just like that the tall girl was behind me, grabbing the canvas with both of her hands to prevent it from falling. „I will hold onto it. You secure it." She said calmly.

My eyes met hers for a second, making me stutter a little thanks.

„Did you draw this?" She asked.

„Ah, yeah..." I answered as I watched the girl scan my painting.


Tilting my head in confusion at her sudden change of behaviour I let out a single „Yeah?" and Keni changed into a seriouse mode.

„If you even think about telling anyone about what you just saw then I will put in a complaint that you're getting a special treatment, because you get to use the art room by yourself."

My eybrows furrowed instantly as I crossed my arms in anger as I argued, „What? No! I haven't done anything wrong!"

„Don't tell anyone then."

„I don't even have anyone to tell..." I whispered quietly.

Keni sat down onto a near desk, letting out a loud sigh. „I'm gonna kill some time in here until lunch is over."

After that, both of us stayed there ignoring each other until the tall girl finally spoke once again, „What's your name?"

„Um, Yu Yan. And you are Zeng Keni, right?"

Ever since that day Keni would come to the art room during lunch and watch me draw.

„When did you start drawing?" She suddenly asked one day.

„I don't remember... I think it was ever since I was really little..."

„What do you draw?"

„I don't know... Whatever I feel like drawing at the moment?"

„Is it fun?"

„Is it fun?" I asked myself. „Rather than because it's fun, I kinda just do it. I do it because it's like breathing to me?"

Keni's Flower ; Yu Yan x Zeng Keni 🌹Where stories live. Discover now