Life after life.

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As a doctor Jonaha was doing her job greatly as she could, with 99.9% of successfull surgeries until her senior asks her to attempt for a different operation. Out of her field.

"Jonaha, you can do it." Mr. Billard trying to convince me.

"Of course I know I can but I don't have to."

"You don't have a choice." Of course i know that, the fact that I am alone in this lifetime makes people force upon whatever decisions they want, just in another life I will be born in a joint family for sure, a brother and uncle to stand up in my crimes and a father to support me always and a mother and aunt to listen to my daily stresses.

"But I've only done heart surgeries." I try to explain because I was tensed, one being that I have never delivered a child, and second that I just don't want to.

"But you're our best surgeons." Of course I know i am and i have all my successfull surgeries which is why I fear to fail in this one therefore I simply want to withdraw from it but as told I don't have a choice really.

I cover my face with the mask and put on the surgeon gloves, I nod at the nurse who was standing outside the operation theatre and she opens the theatre, I have completed almost 40 successful surgeries in these ten years of experience but this one is going to be my first one with a pregnant women, even though initially I was always going to do this but my plans shifted but that's not something to be discussed here, I look around myself, a whole team and equipment just like any other operations I have ever performed the only difference being that this will be on the tummy of a mother and not at the chest of a human. I move near to the mother, a ver beautiful lady and she tells me that she thinks she knows me and I chuckle a bit but ignoring everything else I place my hand over her stomach and ask.

"Is this your first delivery?" She shakes her head and tells that it's the fourth and she is not nervous at all.

"But this is first from my side, telling you because I don't want you to be overconfident in me." She smiles unusually and says.

" A mother who already lost all the three child's before could fear nothing." I felt bad for her, genuinely bad but I didn't want to tell her that as it would nervous her more. She holds my hand and say.

"Maybe I know you from another life, and I trust you." Sparks travelled down my spine, I have experienced these sparks before nor did I ever had a kiss to feel the sparks, yeah I am fourth and I haven't even had a kiss but whatever.

I close my eyes before filling the injection with Midazolam before injecting her with it and she closes her eyes with a smile. She is probably the first person who went into sleep with a smile, so far in my career.

45 minutes later.

The baby was in my hands but it did not move, I was afraid that she could lose her fourth one too and she was already a depressed lady, I had to bring this baby to life, how so ever I will have to bring it to life. I keep the baby on the turn table and as I was about to move out, someone held my hand, they were little fingers but wet, the baby? I turned around and the baby started crying, it was louder than usual. Or maybe the loudest cry I had ever heard and as I withdraw my hands from his to cover my ears because the cry was so loud that I saw the glasses break, the equipments fall off and I cover my ears and close my eyes.

The cry stopped.

I open my eyes slowly to find myself standing in a whole different place. I look around to examine or try to figure out what was happening but before I could actually recognise this huge bunglow with a twelve seater dining table I see my picture hanging on the wall. Me with a handsome man beside me and when I look around that particular wall I see more of it and I find myself in the pictures.

"Mam, Jonaha was crying and searching for you, maybe she needs to be feeded." A lady came towards me carrying a baby in her hands, the same baby I just delivered in the operation theatre, but where was i? And whom did she call Jonaha? The baby?

"Madam' do you hear me?" She says standing right in front of me." Of course I did but I was very confused as to what she was saying, but this lady doesn't let me question her and hands me over the baby and leaves.

What was I supposed to do with the baby? Feed? Feed what? Milk? The baby kept crying so I looked for the kitchen or at least other traces of humans from the family photograph that was there on the wall but all I could see was the staff, all of them just looked at me and smiled as if I owned the staff. I walk in the kitchen, look around and prepare milk for the baby, who is probably named as Jonaha, but one thing which was out of my thoughts were that how did I even made it to a place like this when I remember being in the operation theatre and even if i did, was the lady in the picture and me same or different?

" Oh Jesus! How could you get the cow milk for your child." An old lady walks down the stairs and talks to me as if I were her daughter.

"What?" I ask being slightly confused.

" I know you have issues with breast feeding but Jonaha is barely two months and she needs your milk. Didn't Harry tell you already?" Who's Harry now? I ask to myself before I question the lady.

"Harry? Oh dear I know you two had a fight last night but you cannot forget your husband like that, he is on the way taking you to your home." She says and I am more confused now.

" Wait what? Could you just tell me what's happening?" I ask her straight because I do not know what else to do.

"Oh dear Easter, don't be so mad at your husband."

"Stop it lady, I have no husband and no kid and I am Jonaha. Doctor Jonaha. Can't you see that I am in doctor clo ....." Clothes? No they were different from what I remember wearing. They weren't the surgeon clothes anymore, I was in a gown, I would never carry but what is all this happening to me.

"Easter darling, how are you." A man makes an unexpected entry and gives me a side hug and then to the old lady.

"Don't touch me." I say pushing him away when he tries to hold me by my waist.

" Don't be so angry darling, I know it was my fault yesterday but how could you just come to mom's when we could have sorted it by ourselves." I raise a brow and shrug my shoulders because I am getting more confused now, I hand him the baby and just settle down on the sofa.

"Okay, if you're Harry then please answer a few of my questions." They both exchange looks before the lady says.

"I think she again had fritz."

" I heard you." I reply before continuing.

"Please tell me who are you all, and who am I."

"Oh darling, I think you need a doctor, which is why i tell you to read less."

" Shut it please. And tell me who am I to you because I am Doctor Jonaha from the Mist Hospital."

"That hospital got burnt 50 years back."

" Enough! I work thet and I am the best surgeon of the hospital."

"I told you to read less about the tragedies, and now you're suffering from the syndrome again."

"This is not syndrome you guez have just lost it."

"I am your mom Easter and he is your husband and this little girl is your child. Jonaha."

" But i am Jonaha."

"No you're Easter, my beloved wife. You came in here last night after the fight and she is your mom, she called me to take you back home so just come to home with me."

" But." I couldn't even complete and this man kissed me.

In the past forty years I was being kissed for the first time.


"Oh thank God my child is alive."  I hear a lady say and I see myself in the operation theatre again.


Word count: 1400 approx.

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