At the store

481 15 12

As you worked day shift, you noticed something strange.

Vincent hadn't been coming around very often.

Or at all for that matter.

It was very odd, since he use to swing by all the time.

The bells chimed and your shift came to an end.

You couldn't stop thinking about the purple man.

You forgave him, you just wanted him back.

You couldn't deny you missed him dearly.

A hand suddenly took hold of yours and yanked you off your seat.

You were spun around to see the man who took hold of your hand.

"Don't ask anything~!"

The chubby man said playfully as he began the drag you out of the establishment.


You yelled his name, 

"This is a romantic gesture!"

You made him stop in his tracks right before he could open the door.

He gave you a smile and shook his head,

"(Y/n) no woman can tame all this~"

You two couldn't help but laugh for a moment.

He finally managed to push you out the door and take you to his car.

The back door window rolled down as a blonde male popped his head out.

A cocky grin plastered on his face when he caught sight of you.

"Hey loser! Get in we're going shopping!"

He hollered at you as he opened the car door.

When you got in you saw that not only Chris was there, but Scott sat nervously in the drivers seat. You were surprised such a serious person can be around these two.

"Sorry (y/n), I told them to ask you..."

He commented with a weak laugh.

Chris looked over to you and smiled again, 

"As if she wouldn't want to come anyway"

He gave you a playful wink as he flicked Scott.

"It's fine Scotty" you whispered to him with a warm smile.

He seemed to light up at your nickname for him.

When you got to the store Fritz stocked up on food as if he was about to go into hibernation. Chris was riding a shopping cart around the store the whole time.

And Scott?

He was scolding the two of them of course.

It was hillarious.

"Holy shit!" Chris made his way back over to you and the rest of the group with excitement in his eyes. The wide smile spread on his face only signaled trouble.

Fritz looked over to the blonde curiously,

"What is it??" He asked while shoving some gummy bear containers into the cart.

"Fireworks~!" The male exclaimed like an ecstatic two year old.

The red head immediately dropped everything in his grasp and the two raced over to a unknown destination.

"Come back!!"

Scott attempted to call them back, but it of course didn't work.

"We have to get them back...." 

He said with a aggravated sigh as he held his hand out to you.

You suppressed a laugh and took hold of his hand.

All the while you could basically feel the gazes of the shoppers staring at you.

You and him explored the entire store, but it was futile.

"Can I ask you something?"

He asked while you two searched.


You replied with a smile.

He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand nervously.

"Are you in a relationship?"

You froze for a moment, you didn't exactly know the answer to that.

"Unsure, why?"

He looked off to the distance and sighed,

"Well Jeremy has been staring at you for weeks, Mike won't stop talking to you, and Vince seems less..... Vincent than usual...."

You raised a brow in confusion, 

you hadn't really noticed.

"So... A rape attempt isn't like him?" 

He chuckled lightly,

"No no that's what he does, but aside from that. He seems more mellow. Have you seen how he tries to hold your hand?? Damn, if he saw me right now he'd be green with envy!"  

Scott replied as he tightened his grip slightly.

"I'll never let him hurt you again though."

You looked up to him with a smile,

"Is that really what you want? To be watching me all the time?"

You asked with a worried glance.

He let out another chuckle as he met your gaze,

"I just want to be with you. That's all."

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