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It was training day. We were doing our rake scenario making sure we all knew what to do. Hondo broke the door down. We are going through it pretty well.

Nailea: Give me two!

Chris taps my back to let me know she's there. We turn a corner and see a door. I kick it down to see two cookers.

One comes at us with a fake knife. We take them down pretty easily and then securing them. Our time was done. I guess we did alright but Street messed up.

We walked out looking kind of disappointed.

Commander: Hondo, your entry was fine. But your team lost cohesion, and you paid the price. Sergeant Mumford, when the roles were reversed, you didn't suffer any casualties, and your team wins todays exercise.

I turned my head to see Rocker and Mumford give each other Knuckles.

Tan: Thanks, Street. You just lost me a C-note to Rocker.

We all dispersed different ways. Rocker caught up to me.

Rocker: Well, guess we're un-beatable.

Nailea: Don't get too cocky, that will be your downfall.
I said with a smirk.

Rocker: You think you guys could beat us.

Nailea: If Street had the right amount of training, easily. I think I could just beat you in general.

Rocker: I'm sure you could Devora.

He shoved me playfully.

I just left out a laugh.

Mumford: Let's go Rocker.

Rocker: See you later Dev.

I waved to him as he left with Mumford. I then went over to Chris and just started talking. Honestly, She is probably my best friend. We were talking strategy.

Our buzzers then went off. We all got into cars and made our way to the courthouse.

When we were set up, Hicks and Cortez were explaining the situation.

Hicks: Two dead sheriff deputies, dead civilian, several wounded.

Cortez: The most dangerous is Jesse Ramirez, aka Cuchillo, Spanish for "The knife."

Hicks: Cuchillo was about to be sentenced to life for murder, Sexual Assault of underage girls and extortion. He's the brains behind the escape.

Hearing that this man Sexually Assaulted these under age girls made me pretty mad.

Hicks: Busted out by Ramon Reyes, Chuchillo's cousin, long-time partner in mayhem. Disguised himself as Sheriff's deputy.

Cortez: And when Cuchillo escaped, he took three other prisoners with him.

Hondo: Jamal Goines? He's a One-Niner out of Compton. I worked a DEA task force last year that busted Goines for moving kilos of heroin.

Deacon: Oh, look at this future leader of America, Travis Strand. Member of the Nazi eagle prison gang, doing fifteen for the armed robberies of a marijuana dispensary.

Mumford: Final escapee: Danny Wattana. Arrested LAX three days ago on a flight from Thailand smuggling exotic turtles strapped to his legs.

We all kind of let out a little giggle to that.

Hicks: Mumford. Your team won todays exercise. You track down Cuchillo and his cousin Reyes and our white pride pal.

Hondo, you got the One-Niner and Reptile Man.

Always been you~Donovan RockerWhere stories live. Discover now