Chapter 5 { Peace Doesn't Last}

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Third POV:

It's been a month since the meeting with Alucard and Sir Integra Luna had been living in a far-field with her and her wolves, everything seemed to be going well but Luna knows that not everything will be peaceful for long. She knows that he will still try to look for her and hunt her down no matter what to bring her to the Hellsing organization, with him, no matter what, he was the No-life-king after all 'Vlad Terpes' that name stayed in Luna's head ever since she did her research on him and honestly she couldn't blame him for wanting to lol for his lost lover, she lost everything as soon as he was captured by their enemy, lost his wife, children, family, his people, and then.....his own life.
What else could he lose he was chained to be a servant of the enemy he fought too hard to defeat only to end up being risen a monster once, tide with a chain around his neck, like a dog with a collar.
Luna couldn't rest easy though for the past month Alucard hasn't been talking to her telepathically like he has been since she left, and she should be happy about that.....but right now I'd bothered her....a lot. She was resting in a field with her pack in joying the sunshine when she caught the whiff of blood, 'human?' No, why would a human come this far out without knowing there was a murderous wolf pack now living there. Luna had made it known to the public about the dangerous wild 'werewolves' that field in a field close by, but kept it to where they didn't know it was her. Luna was good at keeping herself both known to the people around her, also staying hidden was how she survived for so long. She decided it would be best to find where this smell of blood was coming from. She changed forms and she and her pack set off to follow the scent of blood. They made their way to a small stream where the blood started to flow more but the scent became a little harder to follow due to water covering the smell but we are able to follow where the blood leads.....however Luna was getting the sudden feeling of deja vu as she woofed for the wolves to split up. Luna and the four wolves she was with were close to the end of the field where a trail was a scene that lead into the town, but she didn't want to go that route since she had done a hard job keeping people away from her territory without having to kill them it would be pointless if she ran into town for no real reason, even if she was trying to solve this small mystery, but what bothered her was that she really wanted to know where the smell was coming from. "Hooooowl" dash must have found something out judging by his howl in the distance 'well let's see what this is all about they quickly ran there a way to where the howl came from and found dash with the rest of the pack, near the entrance of a cave, a blonde in their sight, it was fresh.

Luna's POV:

Once we all arrived at the cave the smell of blood was strong, it looks as though who or whatever was attacked was dragged in, the blood still being frayed means it didn't happen too long ago. I could hear slight groaning in the distance I then slowly made my way inside keeping my head down but also being alert, my tail was risen to show the pack not to follow. Once I was deep in the cave the groaning got louder 'a ghoul?' I growled letting know whatever was inside here that I'm here now too. I was far enough to see where the sound was coming from it was a person 'not a ghoul thank god' I thought as I changed formed and quickly made my way over to the person. It was a woman, I checked around her wounds to see where she was bleeding, but also to see if she had any bite marks. There was none, so the most likely thing that happened was she was mugged by some things and left here to die after they stabbed her. I was able to find out she was stabbed once in the leg for trying to escape and another in her stomach to hell her. 'She's a strong girl I'll give her that I quickly made my way outside and asked for peach our golden coated, white-furred, golden-eyed, she-wolf, healer to get some herbs, while dot left to get my medical bag, I have it just in case I need it it's also filled with some things for my wolves in case they needed them if you're wondering how I got them.
Let's just say I borrowed them from a veterinarian hospital one day and haven't given them back yet. Once I had everything I need we all went inside and carefully dragged her out into the sun where a could get a good look at her wounds, I know her leg will heal on its own after adding the medicine but the wound in her stomach will need stitches luckily I have everything I need, I began with the stomach wound first since it's the one causing most of the bleeding, I first add some numbing medicine with a needle and in jest it just above her wound, I wait a minute for it to take effect and then I began to stitch her up.
While I was doing so I took notice of her features to looked to be in her mid-thirties, blonde, I opened her eyes to see they were hazel, with freckles all over her body, a birthmark just below her left eye, and she was wearing a white dress, with brown fluffy short boots, and an ankle bracket with a crested moon attached to the chain, she had white tights, and her nails were painted a light blue, with stars printed on them, she had earrings in as Will cat earrings.

After her stomach was nice and stitched I quickly but very gently wrapped her stomach she began to stir again and managed to open her eyes. Once her sight returned she looked at me as I finished bandaging her stomach I then turn to her leg, grabbed a cloth, and dipped it in alcohol "this is gonna sting" I wanted her and placed it on her leg she shrieked a little but finally calm down once I added just a little bit of pressure.

Luna: "This was quite the nasty wound you got., any idea how" even though I had an idea on how I wanted to at least get a little bit of information so I could help her in getting her into town and the nearest hospital.
Woman: "mmm" she groaned again not wanting to talk
Luna: " Very well, if that's what you want, I can just stop helping you and let my wolves fest down your bones since you are in my territory"
Girl: "....!" she just realized that she was surrounded by me and a large pack of wolves, some sitting and staring at her while others were laying down. She began to look scared at tried to move but I gently lied her back down.
Luna: " Relax, pin not going to kill you, I only people who deserve it, but just so you know once I'm done helping you that's it, you will leave and I don't want you mentioning this to anyone or else I will hunt you down, rub out your spine, and feed your corpse to my node if you understand" she looked at me wide-eyed but nodded any way I told her once I finish I'm gonna carry her to the nearest part of the town and see if someone can send her to a hospital.
Once she was patched up I placed her arm around her my shoulder and began to slowly but quickly way her out of my territory and into town. Lots of people were passing by so I did the only thing I knew that would get their attention "HELP!!! PLEASE SOMEONE, YOU HAVE TO HELP HER" people timidity rushed in to help us they started asking questions like what happened and are you both okay? I only told them part of the truth "I and my friend were just walking to a park when these men came out of nowhere and attacked us, they robbed us and stabbed my friend" one man who happened to be a doctor stopped us to help when he noticed the sticking and bandages he asked if I did it. I told him yes that I was studying medicine and wanted to help her quickly since there wouldn't have been enough time to help her faster. They called an ambulance and within minister, she was on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital I quickly left the scene before cops could find me I climbed up a nearby building and sat there while I watched as people started looking for me.
I was about to come down when something stopped me 'draga mea'.

'Oh No'

'Just when things were peaceful'


To Be Continued

~My Vampire and My Alpha ~  { Alucard x OC }Where stories live. Discover now