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||||Gundham POV||||

*Friday went by very quickly. After school I went to my lair. To change the bandage on my leg like Mikan Instructed me to. I then get changed. I want to look nice. I put on some black pants and a dark green sweater. I decided to put my davas in their cages and feed them. I proceed to feed the rest of my animals. I grab my phone and wallet and leave the house locking it from the outside. I proceed to go to this cafe that this mortal has been talking about. I normally don't go out often unless I'm being forced by those pests. It's maybe around 6:45 I should be there on time. He better not be late...Actually I do not mind that much. He's not annoying and pesky like everyone else. I merely arrived just in time to see him there sitting at a table with one other seat open. I walk over there and instantly sit down. My leg is starting to hurt again.*

Kazuichi:Hey man, what's up?

Gundham: The ceiling?

Kazuichi: No- I mean how are you?

Gundham: Better. How are you doing?

Kazuichi: I'm doing great!

Gundham: That's good. I assume.

Kazuichi: Yeah. So I have a few questions. Is it okay if I ask you some questions?

Gundham: I do not mind. As long as they are not against the Tanaka Empire

Kazuichi: Right?- So first question. What's your Ultimate?

Gundham: I am the Ultimate Breeder. What is your Ultimate?

Kazuichi: Oh that's cool. I'm the Ultimate Mechanic.

Gundham: So you work on things that you mortals call vehicles?

Kazuichi: Uh yeah. I can work on more than just that.

Gundham: I see. What are your other questions?

Kazuichi: Uhm...What's your favorite color?

Gundham: Black (idk his fav color he's a goth man that likes black ok)

Kazuichi POV: Not surprised.

Kazuichi: Okay next question, what's your zodiac sign

Gundham: Sagittariouse.

Kazuichi: Hm, do you like someone?

Gundham POV: Yeah you stupid

Gundham: The great Tanaka doesn't have time for "love".

Kazuichi POV: This guy is a total dork. It's kinda funny though..

Kazuichi: You have too, everyone does.


Kazuichi: C;mon man tell me!

Gundham: Quiet your voice down and no I will not.

Kazuichi: So you do have one huh. *he lowered his voice*

Gundham: Yes but I will not tell you.

Kazuichi: Okay man. So that's all the questions I have for you.

Gundham: Is there someone you like *he mutters*

Kazuichi: There was...She's dead though.

Gundham POV: He must be talking about Sonia .... Soon enough I'll be the only one he will love and see...just wait...

Gundham: Sorry for your loss....

Kazuichi: Whoever killed her will pay.. **grrr angry mechanic noises intensifies 😡**

Gundham: I see....
*A waiter walks over to them and asks what they would like to drink. Kazuichi orders a strawberry smoothie while Gundham orders a Salted Caramel Mocha. After a few hours of chatting and getting to know each other. Gundham and Kazuichi fought over who would pay for their drinks and Gundham ended up paying for it. Gundham walked Kaz home since he lived closer. Then Gundham started his journey home. As he's walking home his face starts to turn bright red. He's embarrassed and blushing at the same time.*

Gundham POV: Talking about the Tanaka Empire!!My lair!! What was I thinking!!!! Ugh.!!!

*While he is walking home. Once he finally arrives he flops on his bed and falls asleep. (it's now the weekend because idk what else to do for the rest of the weekend and I don't remember what they are on) He wakes up to his dog jumping on his bed licking his face. Gundham sits up, removing his dog from on top of him and pets him. He takes out his phone from his pocket. He must have forgotten to take it out. It's dead. He plugs it up next to his bed and walks to the kitchen. He turns around to see his dog following him. He must be hungry. Gundham feeds his animals then makes some breakfast for himself. Once he was finished Gundham went back to his room and changed into something comfy, some black sweatpants and a plain white tank top. He grabs his phone for some text messages from the group chat Ibuki made a while back.*






BabyGangsta= Fuyuhiko




Gitarist: Hello?

Buffet: Hey girl

HotNurse: Hello.


Hotswordlady: Why is this my name Ibuki?


GothMan:*read 10:39*

Gitartist: Anyways, Ibuki wants to know if anyone is busy today?

Buffet: Nope


BodyBuilder: Nah

Hotswordlady: Me and my young master are not busy.

Gothman/BabyGangsta:*Read 10:42*

Gitarist: Saince Gundham is ignoring us. Ibuki says we should go to his house.

Basically everyone except Gundham: Yes


*Gundham turned his phone off before they started to talk about going to his house. He goes to the living room and reads a book. Soon enough the doorbell rang. Which alarmed his dog and soon she began to bark. Gundham opens the door to see everyone there. Now Gundham looks like he hasn't slept in a few days to be fair with the nightmare that he has had of killing people causing him lack of sleep and causing him to be sleep deprived.*

Gundham: Why are you here at my lair?!

Nekomaru: Did you not read the messages?


Akane: That explains it.

*Soon enough Gundham lets him inside only because it's below freezing outside. Since last week was their last week of school till winter break. They begin to make plans. Not just for the murders but also to relax maybe go see some movies and perhaps just hangout or the best of all Ibuki was going to throw a party and everyone their class was invited to it. Their plan was to get Kazuichi to like Gundham. They chose his outfit for him and everything. The party was for a few days and their plan was to rig spin the bottle and maybe get drunk even though they are too young for it Fuyuhiko said that he can sneak a few cases of alcohol. They mainly wanted to get Kazuichi to get drunk and maybe get some info from him.


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