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     "Hey Scarlett," Clara Fraser said when she saw Scarlett walking her dogs.

"Clara, hi." Scarlett said stopping in front of her house. "Your garden looks beautiful." Scarlett tried to make small talk, but she was distracted.

"Thank you," Clara blushed awkwardly down to her garden. "How's Cameron doing?" Scarlett's eyes shot up to her. "Colton said he saw her the other day, I knew that she had a bad accident..." Obviously Colton saw how Cammie looked, told his mother and now she was trying to be polite and not judge without seeing for herself what happened to Cammie's face. "I just wanted to let you know I'm praying for all of you. My church is praying for you all as well. And if you need anything-"

"Thank you Clara, we are staying afloat." Scarlett said with a tight smile. "Oh and thank you for the food." Scarlett remembered stupidly, she had been zoned out her mind wandering as she walked she completely forgot how kind Clara had been throughout the entire thing.

"Oh, it was nothing." Clara had a kind gently tone to her voice.

"I'm sorry I should really get going." Scarlett said taking a step away.

"Well, if you need anything..." she repeated fiddling with the weeds in her hands. "And Colton was wondering if he could say hi, stop by and see Cammie?" She added hopefully.

"I don't know, she's not really up for visitors lately."

"Oh yes of course I will tell him. Just let us know if she does want company." Clara said reaching a hand out to pet the dogs, Ruckus and Camo.

"Thanks Clara, will do. You have a good day." Scarlett said as she moved away from her she saw Colton's face lurking in the window, he waved at Scarlett she gave him a smile. Colton was always such a good boy, a sweet boy, whatever happened between him and Cammie? She wondered as she walked. Why couldn't Colton be a friend that Cammie didn't lose? Scarlett considered turning back slightly as she walked home.

Evan woke up with a butt in his face.

He felt the fur on his nose and his nose wrinkled as his eyes opened groggily. He put a hand up and moved Mouse out of his face, Mouse purred as she as was adjusted off of his chest. Evan turned his face to the left and saw Scarlett, her arm draped over Ruckus, her lips resting on his little head. As Evan watched her sleep Mouse came back up on top his chest dropping her butt in his face.

"Alright, alright," Evan whispered to her. "I will feed you." He ushered Mouse off the bed, Ruckus's head popped up at the mention of food and wriggled out from Scarlett's grasp. He jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs tail wagging as he waited to be let outside.

Cameron was sitting at the downstairs window when Evan got downstairs, he didn't notice him, didn't respond when he said good morning, Evan thought she might have fallen asleep at the window. Evan moved to let the dogs out, their sudden random barking at seemingly nothing brought Cameron out of her trance and she jumped.

"Give a girl a warning." She said clutching her chest.

"I did." Evan replied moving towards her, Mouse and Trix following at his heels. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Cammie replied urgently, turning away from the window. Evan peered around her and rose a brow in accusation. "The school does a marathon thing." Cammie said giving in, her sophomore year had started two weeks ago and she was informed via email that her teams application had been picked for the School Marathon. She cried when she saw it and couldn't stop crying after that. Now today was the day that she should have been out there, not inside watching in shame. "Running, biking, swimming, roller blading..." She began. "It starts today." Evan nodded remembering something being announced about that previously. "My team made the cut, only 12 group of 5 people in the whole school. All grades and mine made it..." She tucked her knees up into her chin. "And I don't even get to be a part of it." Cammie finished her eyes drifting to the floor. Mouse was biting at a loose string on Evan's pajama pants. "It just sucks. Everything sucks."

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