God I can't stand it. I can't stand the sideways glances or the whispers behind hands. I cant stand the finger pointing and name calling. I can't stand the loneliness and the way I want to sink into the floor every single time I walk into a room. I can't stand being judged and picked apart by people who can't understand something different than what their pathetic minds have been filled with since age two. But the number one, most ridiculous, most absurd reason I can't stand it here, is I am shamed for being me.
Just for being my fucking self.
Just for being *insert gasp here* DIFFERENT.
Before I start to rant any further, let me inform you on a few, well known, facts about Armidale College, the school where I have the utter misfortune to attend.
1- Everyone here is white.
2- Everyone single student here is rich beyond belief.
3- Everyone here belongs to a so called 'perfect' little family.
So you could imagine the looks I received when I turned up on the first day of Year 11, at the already awkward age of 16, with my brown toned skin proudly showing and my two mums walking me through the halls.
You only have to read the first paragraph of this story to understand how I felt.
I've only been here for a month and, already, I not so subtly hate it here.
not so 'subtle'
Roman pour Adolescentshi, my name is Ada, I have been surrounded by two loving mums and a world full of beauty and love since the day I was adopted, and I have loved every single unique, special and sometimes frustrating moment. That is until my mums decided that, for my...