Niall Diabetes

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Claricepayne requested me to Niall diabetes so here it is.  Hope you like it.

Niall’s POV

I have never hid from the boys that I was type 1 diabetes.  They all then read about diabetes and what to do if I have too low or too high blood sugars.  They always check I have checked my blood sugars and have taken my correct insulin.  However I have noticed the boys doing this less, I don't know why this is.

I know the busy schedule we had is going to mess with my sugars, but the other boys didn't seem to care.  That is why I groaned when I woke up with a headache that morning.  I knew this was going to be a bad day. I sat up ready to take my blood sugars and that's when I felt lightheaded, I sighed knowing that wasn't a good sign.  I checked my blood sugars and it was 3.6, I sighed but I expected it to be low.  I reached in bedside draw for my emergency sweets which I knew would get my blood sugars up enough for me to go and eat breakfast.  I had the sweets and then rechecked my sugars ten minutes later.

Within that ten minutes Liam came and woke me up.  Be up soon I told him.  I know we had a busy day but normally he asks me about what my morning sugars are like especially when we have a busy schedule but for some reason he didn't and walked out again.  I just lay in bed waiting for my sugars to come up.  I rechecked it and it was 4.1 it had come up a bit.  I knew I needed breakfast.  I got up and put my dressing gown on before going downstairs for breakfast to find all the other boys dressed including Zayn.  'you not dressed yet we gotta leave soon" Liam growled at me.
I was about to inform him my blood sugars had been low this morning when he told me to eat quickly and then get dressed.  That was when I noticed Harry had placed my fry up in front of me.  I ate up and then headed upstairs and took my insulin before taking a quick shower and getting dressed.  Thankfully I felt fine now

When I got back downstairs everyone was waiting for me.  Paul was there 'sorry m......'  I said about to tell them again my blood sugars were low.
'Just go outside and get in the car before we are late for the interview' Paul said sternly.
'Well at least it's not me this morning' Zayn said.
This caused everyone to laugh except me.  Only if they knew but I was feeling fine now.

We headed to the interview and I was now full of energy.  The interview went well.  The boys had seemed to forget about this morning’s incident and we were having a laugh at both interviews we had this morning.


End of POV

 After the two interviews they had that morning the boys headed of for lunch.  Niall was feeling much better and hope that morning was just a blip.  They were all having a laugh as they ordered Nandos.  The situation that morning in the kitchen seemed forgotten.  They were spotted by a few fans in Nandos but no crazy ones luckily and they were happy to take photos with them and give them the signatures.  After lunch they were rushed to sound check.  In the van Niall gave himself his insulin as he still felt conscious of doing it in public.  They were all happily chatting to themselves in the van.

 They got to the arena they were doing the concert at that evening and were rushed straight to sound check.  It was a pretty hectic afternoon going through the run through of songs they were doing that night and checked they sounded correct.  Niall was feeling fine and then all of a sudden he felt a bit funny, he tried to ignore it and then it got worse.

Niall’s POV

We were in the middle of sound check when I started to feel a bit funny. At first I ignored it but it just seemed to get worse.  “Can we take a break” I asked.  “Let’s just do two more songs and then you guys can take a break” The guy said. I groaned at this knowing I was low and needed to check my blood sugars.  I tried to give the guys the signal that I needed to stop to check my blood sugars but no one noticed.  I sighed to myself and checked my pocket sighing to myself to realise I had left my glucometer in my changing room, so couldn’t even sit out and check it.  But I did feel my emergency sweets in my pocket, which I quickly ate hoping that would keep my blood sugars up enough till we got our break.  The next song had started and I got in to place.  The next song went well and I was just looking forward to a ten minute break so I could check my blood sugars.  The sweets that I took only had a short burst of energy as I was feeling slightly dizzy, I was going a lot slower for this one as I was feeling really low and weak.  The second song came to an end and I was glad for a break.  “Ok ten minute break and then we will run through the last few songs.  “If only two more songs lets run through them quickly before we break of” I heard Harry say.  I just groaned at this knowing I wouldn’t cope I felt really low.  I tried to give Liam the signal that I was low but he just ignored it.  “I don’t feel good” I muttered.   “Stop faking we all know your just lazy and want food.”  Liam said.  I just starred at Liam at this, I couldn’t believe him, I didn’t just want food I needed something, before I fainted.  I just went over and took a gulp of my water looking for my energy drink but it wasn’t there.  We then cracked on with the last two songs.

End of POV

Liam’s POV

I can’t believe Niall I know we are all tired and need a break but we have just got two more songs to run through before we are finished sound check and then we have can have a bigger break before having to get ready for tonight.  He then has the cheek to say that he doesn’t feel good.  I sigh and think typical Niall.  We then go through the next song and then it happens all so quick, we are all singing our song, have just done our harmonies and I did my solo and now it is Niall’s solo and we were waiting for him to start but didn’t.  I looked over and that was when I noticed that Niall was wobbling and looking like he was about to faint.  “Niall I shouted, making the other boys look over.  They rushed over to Niall but we were too late he had fainted.  I felt so guilty after I had heard him say he didn’t feel good and didn’t believe me.  I was too lost up in my thoughts and was glad when Zayn took the situation in his hands “Can someone go and get me his glucometer and emergency diabetic stuff” Zayn said.  I was just stuck to my spot how can I have missed this he must have been trying to tell me he felt low and I ignored him.  Luckily Harry sped into action and went to the side of the stage before disappearing obviously to Niall’s changing room to get all of Niall’s emergency bits.  Harry was back a minute later where he pricked Niall’s finger and the checked his blood sugars.  After waiting the 6 seconds it came up at 2.2 which was dangerously low.  Zayn then rubbed the glucogel in the inside of Niall’s cheek hoping this would bring him round.  Louis injected him at the same time.  “I’m sorry Niall I didn’t believe you” I said still feeling guilty.  “Li It’s not just you, we all missed it, come Niall wake up” Harry said.  A few minutes later Niall started to stir.  “Di” he started to say but I cut him off.  “Niall don’t speak save your energy your blood sugars are extremely low, sorry I didn’t believe you before.  Niall just nodded and held my hand and squeezed it to make sure that I knew I was forgiven.  Five minutes later we rechecked Niall’s blood sugars it had come up to 2.8, but was still really low (normal blood sugars between 4-7.)  I propped Niall’s head on my lap and Zayn helped Niall to drink some Lucozade.  This should help to bring Niall’s sugars up even more.  By now Paul was with us and had brought some food for Niall to have.  It was just a yoghurt which he had after he had some Lucozade.  WE hoped this would help bring Niall’s blood sugars up which it did.  Half hour after Niall fainted his blood sugars were now 4.2.  We sighed with relief once his blood sugars were normal.  We helped Niall walk back out to the back and didn’t have to run through the last song and a bit.

 End of POV

Niall felt much better now.  All the guys were apologetic for not noticing sooner.  Niall told the boys to stop apologising.  They just hung out at the back chatting and relaxing until it was time to get ready.  Paul came over and told Niall that management had agreed to let him sit out for this one.  Niall informed Paul he was fine to perform.  “Mate listen to Paul think you should sit this one out” Liam said going back to daddy direction mode.  “Li I’m fine now please let me perform I want to do this I feel fine now.  Liam sighed at this “Ok but we are going to make sure there is Lucozade at the side of the stage and if you feel low just sit.  Niall nodded to this and smiled.  “If you’re sure just don’t overwork yourself.”  Paul said.

 The concert went without any glitches.  Niall made sure to have some Lucozade while they were performing and any time they had a costume change he checked his blood sugars each time.  It was 3.8 once but he had some of his emergency supplies and sat down for that song as he saved the energy.  Louis saw this and did a speech “As some of you may have noticed Niall isn’t being as energetic as normal that is because he isn’t feeling 100% but didn’t want to let you guys down so can we all sing Niall’s Solo’s extra louder for him.  This caused Niall to smile and wave to everyone who was now shouting out his name.  The rest of the concert went well.

 After the concert the boys made sure that Niall was ok.  The next day they went a bit overboard about asking Niall about his blood sugars and if he was feeling ok.  This got a bit on Niall’s nerves but he managed to smile at his caring brothers.  They would never let him get low again as they would always keep an eye on him.

 I’m from the UK, so all the blood glucose levels are the same we have over here. Please keep sending your requests in.

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