Chapter 7 - Half A Heart

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"Love. Are you okay?" I rush over to Zach and hold his hand, squeezing it gently. He closes and opens his eyes giving me a glimpse of his beautiful eyes and set of eyelashes which obviously he got from Zayn.

"I'm fine mum. Just dizzy." He's smiling. Thank God my baby is okay. His gaze moves to my side as I notice he is smiling at the beautiful work of God, Zayn, his father. "Daddy? Is that you?" Zayn moves to him a bot closer kissing his forehead. He is smiling down at his son. Both beautiful. Both loved by me.

"Yes mate. Daddy's here now. So go and rest so we can get you out of here." He looks very happy when he said the word 'daddy' and I found myself smiling at sight I am looking at. Father and son, finally. Zach just chuckles and decided to close his eyes. He doesn't like hospitals, it scares him.

I can't believe it was almost 6years since I had Zach. He's growing fast, I remember waking up at 4 in the morning with him crying so loud that it bugs me because I have no choice but to get up make him stop from crying. I was alone back then, I can't make my parents babysit him because they have jobs and he is my son therefor I have to take care of him by myself. The first two years was hard. Literally hard. Zach was a pain in the ass. He is such a cry baby. Like he cries every single time I try to lay him on his crib. He only stops when I play Zayn's music. He really knew his daddy well even though he wasn't around when I was pregnant with him.

When Zach turned three, I decided to hire a babysitter because I have a job and I want to give Zach the best out of life but I couldn't it without working. I hated Zayn at that time. He is always out having fun, dating, partying, living like a normal teenage boy while I was stuck with his son trying to build a future for us.

"El, why are you so pale? Are you sick?" I wasn't even paying attention to Althea 'cause my head hurts and I'm sleepy. For the last month, all I did is sleep, eat, go to school, eat, sleep. It's the same routine I follow for now. I don't know, maybe because of school. I'm just exhausted and all.

"El?! Are you even listening?!" She glared at me and I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I am just looking around the cafeteria to see if Zayn is here, I miss him it's been a week since we hung out and that was the last time I saw him. His cousin told me that he don't have any clue of where Zayn is and I am worried because he haven't called me or anything.

As I was supposed to eat my last piece of pancake, I felt something on my troat. Damn it! I'm throwing up. I rushed to the nearest cubicle as I threw up all the breakfast I've ate this morning. I felt someone holding my hair up so it doesn't get in the way. I turn to look back as I see a pair of stinging blue eyes looking directly at me.

"Are you pregnant?" My head started hurt even more at the question Althea just asked. I was supposed to have my period two weeks ago and damn it, I'm late, I'm two weeks late. This couldn't happen. We only had sex once. And I don't know if he used protection. What would his reaction be? What about my parents? The whole student body? Please tell this is a joke.

I can feel hot tears flowing down my cheeks. I can even say a word. I'm too young! "El, c'mon. It's okay. We aren't sure yet. Just go take a test after school." I just nodded and she helped me to calm down.

Althea helped me with buying the pregnancy test, she pretended like she is talking to her sister who instructed her to buy some which is completely just a show because she doesn't have a sister. She bought five test just to be sure.

"I'm scared Thei." I can feel my legs jelly and my whole body is shaking. She just gave me a smile and opened her bathroom door. "I'll be waiting here El." I can hear her from outside. I examined the stick that I am holding. I already did what I am supposed to do and I am now sitting at the toilet bowl waiting for the results. I checked my phone to see if 5 minutes had gone and yes it did. I stood up and I instantly fell on my knees.

It's the last stick and it's still positive. I am going to be a mom. Zayn is going to be a dad. We are going to be parents. How can we even start a life for this baby? How can we support his needs? We are very young to have a kid. I am not ready yet and I know that Zayn isn't ready too. He has dreams and so do I. My parents are going to freak out.

Althea hugged me and told me that everything will be okay and that she will help me with my pregnancy. She was also crying with me at her bathroom floor. I can't still process the happenings. I am now a parent. A little baby is living inside my tummy. How am I supposed to handle this? Damn. We should have been more careful. A baby is just so much to handle especially with an age like this. We both don't have a job and being pregnant is the least of the things I want to happen right now.

An abortion. Adoption. So many options but I can't! I can't kill my own child and I can't just give it away. I know Zayn wouldn't thing of that. He loves kids and I'm sure he'll love ours just as much but first, I should tell him.

Althea drop me off at Zayn's flat that he shares with his cousin. It's the 99th time that I knocked on the door and no one answered. I tried calling him and he doesn't pick up. I give up. I was walking back home as I saw Zayn's sister, Doniya. She tries to walk as fast as she can but I manage to catch up, I hold her hands trying to stop her.

"Where's Zayn? He's not answering my calls. Is there something wrong?" I am probably stressed about this whole thing. Me being pregnant and soon to be a mum. Doniya's eyes are still stuck to ground as she tries to compose a sentence. "He left about a week ago. He's gone to the X Factor."

X Factor? Wow! Just fuckin wow! He left and didn't even bother telling me? I should have know. I'm her girlfriend and I am now carrying his child.

I tried calling him everyday. Sending him text messages. I didn't tell him about me being pregnant, I want him to know about in front of me, I wanted to see his reaction.

My hopes faded when I couldn't contact him anymore.

"I guess it's just you and me now buddy." I try to blink away the tears. Trying to be strong for myself and my baby.

I felt someone grab my wrist as I turn to see a worried looking Zayn. "El, what's wrong?" Flashbacks. This flashbacks are still bugging the hell out of me. He leaned closer to me as I stare at his gorgeous pair of eyes. He wipes a tear and gently caress my cheek with his thumb. This man had given me the best gift in my life that I wouldn't trade for anything. He gave me my son. He gave me the love of my life.

I've been through hell but I wouldn't regret anything that involves my son. He is the only constant person in my life that I will always protect and love until my last breath.

Zayn may have hurt me in the past but I am now mature enough to let go of grudges. He gave me a lesson that molded me to become the person I am right now. I became strong for Zach. I became his mother and at the same time his father for 6 years. I know I can still be in the next coming years. I will always be there for my son.

Zayn's eyes are still locked with mine. He's much closer now that I can hear his heavy breathing. He placed his other hand at the small of my back as he pulls my body closer to him. He bats his eyelashes as I see tears forming around his eyes. I am confused. What could be the reason behind his tears. I didn't move as he rest his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry for everything. I won't loose you and our son this time." My heart starts to beat faster. His words making my lips curve a little. He then closed the distance between us as he lock our lips together. Our lips moving in sync as I place both of my hands around his neck. Our tongue fighting for dominance. I can feel butterflies in my stomach. We smile in between our kisses and I can't help but moan a little with every little touch he makes.

I've realize that maybe it's not too late to make the wrong things right. With every touch, he heals me. With every kiss, he gives me hope. That from this day forward, we will be a family and I will no longer live each day with half a heart.

"Uhm, excuse me Mr. And Mrs. Malik?"

- End of Chapter 7 -

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