3. Infringement

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The arousal of pain from somewhere in her abdomen woke Cassandra. She stirred and then curled into a ball. It wasn't hard to figure out that the pain was a sign of her coming monthly period. She hated her period. Not because of discomfort or pain, but more from the coppery scent of blood.

She abhorred blood. It was a reminder of all the harrowing wounds she fostered when she was a child. Some children were blessed to have had the ability to forget the events of their younger years, but unfortunately for her, her memories were bathed with endless clarity. Perhaps, her brain had dwelled on those memories and had maintained them as a warning.

With a careful, measured pace, she eased herself out of bed. As she did, a jagged sensation surged through her lower body, causing her legs to tremble, like a fawn taking its first steps. The pain that followed was sharp and relentless, slicing through her like a jolt of lightning, leaving her breathless.

She took a moment, gathering her strength to regain her composure. Once she felt a bit more stable, she gently placed a hand on her belly, summoning all her willpower to make her way towards the bathroom.

Every part of her ached.

Once she managed to reach the bathroom, her expression deepened into a more pronounced frown. The light switch was inconveniently positioned near the door, just high enough to require her to stretch on her tiptoes to reach it. She hesitated, aware that extending her body might disrupt the gentle pressure her hand was applying to her abdomen, a pressure that was currently helping to mitigate the pain. However, understanding that she had not other choice she did what had to be done.


Bright light immediately enveloped her surroundings.

She sighed as she moved forward, then took a mental note to ask her so-called mother to have the light switch fixed somewhere lower. Someplace that was easier to reach.

She took a few steps forward and soon found herself in front of her bathroom sink. Laboriously, she reached out to open the medicine cabinet above and hoped that she'd find aspirin or anything to help ease the pain.

A false sense of security. Once again, those words corrupted her head when she found the cabinet void. Why did I even bother, she mused in dismay. Frowning, she turned to her heel, and exited the bathroom. As she strolled on the cold floorboards, a tear threatened to escape her eyes when the muscles in her lower body coiled tighter. She grimaced, the pain was too much, but instead of allowing the tear to cascade down her cheek, she chastised herself. She'd lived with pain far greater than her cramps.

She'd be fine.

She kept that thought in mind and then closed her eyes. She must learn to take all the pain in, live with it, release it, and not be controlled by it, because her pain had always been hers alone. No one would ever come to ease them for her. It was her pain, her sorrow, her torment. Hers alone. She was fine with it. She was fine. with it.

Alone... Alone... Alone. No one would rescue her. No one would bother.


The fresh morning air was too sweet for him to endure. But endurance was what always defined him. He must endure.

"The house was sold a few months ago. But the new owner agreed to allow you and Nathan to visit if you must."

Daniel couldn't care less. All that mattered to him was for school to start. He couldn't wait to meet new friends. He missed having new faces surrounding him. He couldn't say the same for Nathan though.

"I hope the two of you will find peace in this house. I know your previous place held importance, but it was necessary to sell it. Your expenses have increased in recent months."

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