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(natalie's pov)

It's been almost a month since my dad passed away and it has been really hard. Luckily my friends have been amazing being here for me in this time and Logan has been the best boyfriend I could ask for. Tonight I am going to another party, I have been going a lot trying to get rid of the sadness, It's not like an addiction, I just hangout not focusing on my dad, I don't drink or smoke my pain away.
"Are you ready?" Jade ask me. I nod taking one last look in the mirror at my light green backless dress and air forces. I am only dressed up because Logan likes it when I do, I usually would just wear jeans and a cute top or a skirt.
Karly, Jade, and I with Logan all head to my car and drive to the house the party is at, it is usually the same one unless something changes. Noah was out with a girl and he went with her.

We walk in together and Jade and Karly follow me to the kitchen where the drinks are. I grab a red solo cup and fill it up with beer before walking out to find Logan with his. He is leaning against the wall talking to some fake blonde chick and you can tell she is inching closer and closer hoping to have sex with the schools player. I stand for a second to see if he walks away but he stays interested in conversation. I turn around and walk to the front yard where only a few people are but they are all making out not paying attention to who else is out here.

I take a seat and try to steady my breathing. Not only a few seconds later the front door opens again but this time with Logan. I try to look away so he doesn't see my face but it's unsuccessful as I am right next to him.
"Natalie what happened?" Logan ask walking over
"Nothing Im fine" I say hoping he will drop it. I am in a very sensitive state feeling like everyone in my life is just going to leave me.

"Angel talk to me" He sighs grabbing my hands crouching in front of me. He moves the hair out of my face so I will look at him
"I just saw you talking to that blonde girl and she was clearing hoping for sex from you" I answer
"So your jealous of a girl hitting on me?" He laughs before realizing I am not in the mood.
"Baby, you know that I wasn't hitting on her right? Just because she wants something doesn't mean I gave it too her" he rubs circles on my hands

"I know that but you used to be known to cheat and sleep around even if you had a girlfriend" I almost cry.
"That's before you said you loved me back. I only did it because I was madly in love with you and I still am. I don't want to be with any one else but you" He reminds me
"I know... I love you" I accept the truth
"I love you too, let's go dance" He smiles helping me up. We walk back inside and dance along to the music.
Logan turns around for half a second to set down our trash and someone grabs my shoulder

I turn to see Tristan, a basketball player.
"Hey" He slurs getting way to close to where I can smell is alcohol smelling breath
"Excuse me" I say politely trying to step away
"Woah woah, where are you going sweetheart. Don't you want to see what we can do" He try's to intrigue me.
"No thanks I have a boyfriend" I try once again to turn
"He does have to know" Tristan attaches his lips to my neck. I grab his head and try to push it away
"What the fuck" The familiar voice of Logan says from behind. I give him pleading eyes and he pulls me away trying to not cause a scene

"You have Logan Miller as your body guard, pathetic." He mutters
"Excuse me? Don't talk to my fucking girlfriend like that" Logan says loud enough for only the 3 of us to hear but no one else
"Excuse me?" Another voice practically yells from behind me
Everyone's heads turn to my twin brother. My eyes widen but before I can say a word everyone is in a circle and Noah is throwing a punch right into Logans face
"Noah!" I yell running to the two
"Noah please stop, Noah!" I continue as everyone records this

Logan stands there allowing Noah to hit him. Before Noah hits him again I take the risk of getting hurt and get between the two. Everyone around us gasp at the move
"Get the fuck out of my way" Noah says clearly pissed off
"No. I am not moving. You are acting extremely immature"
His eyes scan my face before speaking up
"I don't want to talk to you." My heart breaks at the words and tears brim my eyes
"Noah" I try to calm down
"I said I don't want to talk to you bitch" He almost yells and everyone gasp again
"What did you say?" Logan straightens up

"You either. Your the one fucking my sister" By now I am fully crying
"Who said we fucked?" He ask
"Did you?" It goes quite giving everyone the answer
Noah throws another punch barely going by me. I know he won't hurt me physically but the words hurt like hell
"You didn't give us a second to explain" I cry
"I think I know enough" He says about to leave
"Do you know I love him" I practically yell

"Did you know he comes over every night to make sure I am ok? Did you know he has never forced anything on me? No you didn't because you want to jump to conclusions and beat your best friend up because your sister has a boyfriend you don't have control over because you know you can't threaten him" By the end I out of breath sitting in the silence with only the noise of whispers about this. The music has been turned off so everyone can hear

"Natalie..." He starts
"No Noah. I don't think I want to hear it. I would rather be with someone who cares and supports me" I take Logan's hand and we make our way through the crowd now breaking up and posting the video. We climb in the car and I notice Jade and Karly running to the car. I let them in telling them I will drop them off before heading home.

Logan follows me into my house and I lead him to the kitchen.
"Hey Natalie, I'm headed to bed" Mom says getting up
"Ok night" I yell
I instruct Logan to sit on the counter to help his cuts. I grab the medical equipment dad always kept in the cabinet. He always reminded me how to take care of wounds so I knew what I was doing
"This is going to burn a bit" I soak the cloth and apply it to his cheek and nose.
"I am really sorry" I sigh
"It's not your fault, it's that dick-head Tristan"
I let out a smile moving onto the next step
"Plus I'm only mad at Noah for calling you a bitch" He adds. I only shrug my shoulders in response not wanting to talk about it

I finish bandaging all the cuts up and we stay still. Logan grabs my face giving me me kiss that slowly gets more and more passionate. It continues on and I try my best to not touch his face because I don't want to hurt him. I barely here the door open but it's loud enough to get us to stop. "It's Noah" I sigh and Logan jumps off the counter.
"I should probably go then" He says
"Okay, goodnight" I give him one more kiss
"Good night"
Logan starts to walk out but he is stopped
"I want to talk to you both" Noah grabs Logan's arm pulling him back into the kitchen

"Don't you think you have yelled at us enough?" I ask him
"I want to apologize" He rubs his forehead
"Why did you take an hour to get back" I say turn away to put up everything
"I was trying to sober up so that I can be fully a part of this conversation" Noah explains. While that's nice of him, it isn't nice enough
"Nat I didn't mean it, I was drunk and upset that you guys are together" He walks closer

"That really hurt me Noah" I say truthfully
"I know but you gotta understand how I felt. I feels like my best friend and my sister betrayed me after he promised to never do that. It's like if I started dating Jade" He's right, if he dated Jade I would he mad too
"You promised you wouldn't date me?" I laugh. It's the fact that was a conversation
"I clearly didn't think I was going to until now" Logan answers for himself

"I forgive you as long as you promise to never call me a bitch again" I say
"I promise." Noah says giving me a hug
"I wonder what dad would think" Noah says randomly
"He knew... He liked it a lot because it made me happy" I say with a smile
"Really?" He ask
"Yeah. I told him no one knew and he told me I needed to tell you." I explain
"Oh I'm sorry Logan for hitting you" Noah turns
"It's fine"
"Why didn't you fight back though?" Noah ask
"I knew I hurt you and I also know she hates fighting" He rubs my back and I nod

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