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A week passed and both Snow and David were going crazy with little Emma, now not only did she not obey them, but she had discovered that she had magic and did not hesitate at any time to use it

David: Emma, open the door, I talked to your mother and you can watch tv while you have lunch, but only for this time and we are sorry for forcing you to wear pink, next time you can choose your own clothes

Immediately Emma opened the door and began to eat, but Snow and David did not expect that she would then use her magic to turn on the TV as many times as she wanted despite being warned that she could only use it for one hour.

Snow: David, I think I can't handle this anymore, I love her, but I didn't think it would be so complicated and worse now that she knows her magic

David: I know and I can't believe Gold is taking so long to find that dust, is he doing it on purpose?

Snow: What do you think, that's why I asked Belle for help.

David: Do you think she can talk Gold out of this prank?

Snow: I'm sure, David.

David: You know what's weird too? Hook didn't try to get close to Emma, that leaves me calm, I certainly didn't like it for our daughter but I still think it's weird

Snow: Henry told me that they had an argument before all this.

David: Well, that explains it.

Snow: Yes, apparently the fight was very strong, we have to talk about it when Emma is an adult again, Henry did not want to tell me much about it, he said that Emma had forbidden it

At the gold store

Belle: I think it's been many days already, you should do something or tell them about your plan

Gold: I'm sure they already know that I don't want to help them.

Belle: They might kill me if they find out that I helped you, but I'm sure we'll make it, Regina and Emma must confess their love, it was almost impossible for them to do it with Emma is an adult and worse after what happened

Gold : Now the one that worries me is Zelena, I also love her in my own way, but I know she is full of envy and seeks revenge for what Cora did to her, if she discovers that we are trying to give Regina a happy ending she is capable of threatening us

Belle: I don't think she has any idea of our plan, she must be enjoying the fact that Regina can't be with Robin, I'm sure she thinks he's her true love - She laughed loudly - And the funniest thing, I'm sure she also thinks that Hook It's Emma's true love, how naive

Gold: There is no doubt that you are the perfect woman

Both began to devise their plan and analyze all possible solutions when Snow called Belle, who already suspected the reason for the matter and hurried to get to the charming house as soon as possible, she had to fake her position well.

At the charming house

Snow: Belle, I'm glad you're finally here.

Belle: I came as fast as I could, what's the problem now?

Snow: It's Gold, it's very clear that he doesn't intend to help us with Emma, David is playing with Emma or he tries to but it's very difficult, she never comes near us, she doesn't obey us and uses her magic to get her way

Belle: At this age, she's already showing her magic?

Snow: Yes, we have the theory that she was born with magic, but the point is that we want the adult Emma to return, we are also afraid that by continuing at this age thing will change and Henry will disappear

Belle: I don't think that's going to happen, but if you're having a lot of trouble with Emma because of her magic, why don't you call Regina?

Snow: I confess, we are a little jealous, Emma has been with us for a week and only wants to return to Regina even once she teleported to her house, Regina had to use magic, so that Emma doesn't do it again, but that's ours fear, that Emma prefers Regina over us and that this version and the adult hates us despite the fact that we tell her the whole story

Belle: I would advise you to take her to Regina, she will know how to deal with her magic and besides you two look super tired and your house is messy, I don't think Regina wants to take Emma away from you

Snow: I'll trust what you say Belle, thanks for your help, I know you're on our side

Emma: Hi, are you Mr. Gold's girlfriend?

Belle: Hi Emma, yes, I'm going out with Mr. Gold.

Emma: She's very pretty, I like Gold but he's too old. Why isn't she with someone younger and more handsome?

All the adults present, let out a couple of laughs, without a doubt the children did not hold anything back

Belle: I'm with him because I love him Emma, when you love a person you don't care about their physique or their age, nothing matters

David: Exactly Emma, Belle fell in love with Gold because of her interior

Belle, who was thinking of just stopping by to say hello, stayed a couple of hours at the Charmings' house, helping them take care of Emma and insisting that it was best to leave her with Regina until she was an adult again.

Snow: Emma, now that Belle is back at her house, there's a matter we need to discuss with you.

Emma: Did I do something wrong? Today I behaved well or that's what I tried

David: We know, honey but you still have impulses and you inadvertently use magic, you need to control it

Snow: It's true, and that's why we decided that the best thing would be for Regina to take care of you, she, like you, has magic

Emma: Really? - Emma let out a huge smile from ear to ear

David: Yes, tomorrow morning we'll take you to the mayor's house

Emma: But Regina agrees?

Snow: Sure, She didn't hesitate for a second when we asked her.

Emma: Thank you thank you thank you thank you, sorry if I behaved a little badly before

David: It's okay, Emma.

Emma: It's not okay, I, I was doing it because I was upset with you for leaving me.

Snow: But honey, we told you the whole truth, we had to save you from the spell

Emma: But if you hadn't sent me through the magic wardrobe we would have been together or maybe I would have stayed with Regina, who is much better than the other mothers I had, one raised me until I was 3 and a half years old but then she gave me back, Another one only for about 3 months because she said she was a liar, but that's not the case. Her husband did hit me and then I was in a foster home where they treated us like servants until they took me to the last mother, but I was only with her for a short time, there were too many children in that house and most of them made fun of me for continuing to wet the bed so I didn't have a good time there either

Snow: Maybe you're right and we should have stayed with you Emma but at that time we didn't think you would have to go through so much, I'm so sorry - She said as tears escaped

David: Even though you stay with Regina, you know you can come back as many times as you want, we're sorry you had to go through all that, honey.

Emma kept talking to her parents about the things she remembered having lived through until then and the Charmings were becoming more and more convinced that the best thing for Emma was Regina, both had not had an easy life and apparently the adult Emma just like Regina They showed a certain mask to the rest.

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