chapter 2

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“You insatiable beast!” Wei Ying yells some ink splatters over the page and he doesn’t notice. He just continues to focus on his work well; his husband thrusts impatiently up into the pliant body of the other above him.

Two things happen at that moment.

Firstly, his husband thrusts up and stills cumming inside his body.

Secondly, he accidentally activates the array.

Right after he activates said array he screams out from burning pain and moves into his husband accidentally slamming the array into the other's chest.

His husband goes from gathering the other in his arms in concern to pushing the other off his lap because and biting his tongue to hold back any noises of pain.

Neither know how long they were rolling on the floor in pain.

Wei Ying was in far more pain than Lan Zhan, his head hurt, his neck hurt, his wrists hurt, but above all, his stomach and abdomen hurt so horribly that he had never felt worse in his life, it was like his organs were being forcefully rearranged.

Meanwhile, Lan Zhan’s head, neck, and wrists hurt terribly, but he was more worried about Wei Ying despite the fact the pain in his head made him nearly incoherent. His cock also hurt. He was a bit worried about what was going on with his body. His bones also ached as well, like when he went through a growth spurt as a child.

Lan Zhan came back to coherency first, nearly a week later. He was different than before, taller bulkier, overall he was different. He felt more animalistic and it worried him.

Meanwhile, Wei Ying was currently out in a coma for the pain he was experiencing. They had both been moved to the medicinal pavilion when they were found in the morning. People went looking for them when they both weren’t seen yet nearing lunch hours.

Lan Zhan was a bit worried about his beloved. Whatever that talisman did, he was worried about it. He wanted to find out what it did to his mate. 

That was also something new, he had a small voice in the back of his head now, that seemed centered around his Wei Ying and he didn’t like it. But it also felt like it was a part of him now. His deepest carnal desires coming to the surface.

The head healer wished to examine him further but he had refused stating he was fine. He didn’t feel it appropriate to be touched in any way by someone that wasn’t Wei Ying. At least not yet. It made him want to bite whoever attempts to’s hand off.

Another new change, he growls at anyone who approaches his Wei Ying. A deep answering rumble that shouldn’t have been possible with his human throat. He’s only heard such a thing from animals.

It was so shocking to everyone present they had backed away in fear. When they were finally a few feet away from his mate, his inner voice quieted down.

Another thing, he had better hearing and a sense of smell. He could actually smell his Wei Ying and he smelt much different from before. Before he had smelt a bit like sandalwood from the incense and lotus blossoms from the lake he made for Wei Ying to swim in.

Now he still smelt like lotus but he also smelt like several different things, a hint of spice, but mainly just sweet smells, things that smelt like Wei Ying. Honey, oranges, along with a few other smells he couldn’t place his finger on yet. But he was going to make sure he did, he was desperate to know what smells represent every bit of the other’s scent.

It took another week before the other woke up. He had begun to pace anxiously and he even began growling at his Shufu when he entered to check on them. Which he heard a loud scolding from which made him let out an uncharacteristic whimper that he couldn’t tap down on because of how high his emotions were.

When Wei Ying awoke he sat up immediately and took in big gulps of air as he tried to calm down. Lan Zhan instantly took the other into his arms and began to rub his neck into the other head trying to calm them both down. Making Wei Ying smell like him made a deeply satisfying rumble come up from his chest different from the growls from before. It almost sounded like a purr from a cat.

“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, something happened to us!” He says worriedly. “We need to examine that talisman immediately.”

Lan Zhan would do anything the other asked of him, besides he also wanted answers and so lifting the other into his arms he bolted out of the door. Hurrying back to the Jingshi.

As soon as they arrive Wei Ying looks at the array and sees that it was drawn completely differently.

Wei Ying doesn’t understand what exactly happened, he can smell his husband's scent but it’s different now, he always smells like sandalwood but now it was something more.

For now, he can feel how impatient his husband was to check his body. So he lays down on their bed so the other can strip him and look him over.

Lan Zhan rumbles deeply again in his chest but it sounds a bit deeper closer to a growl. The other climbs over his body and opens up his clothes and he still isn’t wearing any pants. Lan Zhan runs his hands down the other's body looking at him with lustful eyes. But at some point, he stops and he reaches forward to between his legs.

He runs a finger over something and Wei Ying lets out a choked off gasp, “Wha—“

“Mn, Wei Ying has a cunt,” Lan Zhan interrupts, as he presses a finger inside the newly made Virgin hole.

Wei Ying instantly lets out a high keening sound from deep in his throat as his back arches off their bed.

Lan Zhan begins thrusting one finger inside, which quickly turns to two, he thrusts impatiently inside the pliant body beneath him. He slips in a third finger and he rubs his thumb over the fat and red clit.

Wei Ying lets out a strangled moan as he cums and slick runs down his thighs continuously for about half a minute before it stops. His mind is blissfully silent, only coming back to himself when his husband stops fingering him. His husband was quickly undressed before him.

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