Shrek x trump

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Shrek saw Trump and said "HEY YOU BITCH WHERES MY FIONA AND BABIES" Trump replied "OI YOU STFU YOU IDIOT.  IDFK ASK YOUR MOTHER I DONT HAVE THEM DUMBASS" Shrek gets angry he starts throwing hands at him, but Trump stops him. Shrek gets angry and storms out. Trump thinks "that son of a bitc-🙄" Shrek finds his babies, but Fiona is missing. He asks his babies they say "mummy goo goo ga ga dungeon" Shrek realises where she is. Fiona yells for help, but no one heard her. She tried everything, but nothing still. After 1 whole day of looking for her they finally found her in TRUMPS SECRET DUNGEON! Shrek feels like a HERO! The next day he met his new best friend Donkey. He is so happy to finally have a friend, but he realised that he was a rapping donkey. Shrek thinks that he's not the right person for a slowish talking person. A few years later, they went on a best buddy date to the park. They saw Fiona walking past. Shrek asks her "Hey where have u been for those few years.  Fiona just rolls her eyes and replies "I was cheating on you this  whole time with Trump. "TRUMP?" Shrek replies with a shock on his face. "Well I was cheating on you with your sister" Fiona is furious she storms off angrily.

Fiona storms off to Trump saying "I NEVER LOVED YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART ANYWAY YOUR A WORTHLESS MORON!" As with that she stormed out of the room. But before she did she said "WE'RE DONE. FOREVER" Trump feels sorrow. He looks for shrek. He sees him at the park. Shrek sees him and yells "HOW DARE YOU TAKE HER FROM ME" Trump replies "SHE SAID WE'RE DONE FOREVER SO DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY ANYMORE" Shrek replies with a "OH REALLY? THEN PROVE IT" Trump secretly recorded Fiona yelling. So he showed Shrek the footage...

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