...Barnes, You really Are Alive.

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Note: Just a quick warning, there is indeed smut. My apologies if my writing isn't the best, I haven't wrote this type of fic in forever and I definitely rushed this.


  It's been days, weeks, months? Clint hasn't been counting but knows for damn sure it's been forever since he heard from Bucky. Since they last parted..

The night Bucky had been called in for a mission that only required for him, would last days, and by days, Clint didn't think it'd be months.

Another week had gone by and Clint still hadn't heard from Bucky, no calls, no letters. He was never too worried about him going off on his missions, he knew he was strong enough to take care of himself. But for some reason, this time was different. Bucky took longer then expected.

The night Bucky left, he gave extra affection to Clint, but dear god, Bucky could barely keep his hands off him, he loved cuddles and little kisses.
How the super-soldier caressed the archers bruised cheek, ran his metal fingers through the blonde messy hair. Left soft gentle kisses across his jawline.

Clint remembers it like it all happened last night, he could feel Bucky's touch, the cold metal on his body that sent shivers down his spine. Maybe it was the way his fingers slowly made their way through his hair. Perhaps his slow, steady breaths or the gentle beating of his heart.

Clint remembers Bucky's gorgeous eyes, his well muscled shoulders, his abs, his thighs, everything that made Clint swoon. The night he was straddling Bucky as his hands are around his waist, leaning down and capturing Bucky’s lips in a passionate kiss. Dammit. How he missed him.

"Bucky, are you sure you have to go so soon? It's late, it's 2am.. we could sleep, we could stay like this, we could-" Clint's rambling came to a stop as Bucky placed a finger over his lips to shush him. "Shhh.. yeah, I do." Bucky replied, lifting Clint off him, sitting him down firmly on the the bed next to him. He got up and picked his clothes up off the floor, getting dressed, slipping on his pants then his shirt.

Clint sighed, "do you have to do this."

“What do you mean?” Bucky asked, frowning. He slowly sat back down beside Clint who placed his hand on Bucky's lap, making serious eye contact. "Take me with you, Bucky. You can't do this alone."

"No." is all Bucky managed to say as he removed Clint's hand from his lap, standing up as if he was ready to leave. "Clint, this mission is for me and me only. You have to let me do this."

"Alright.. I'll let you go." Clint muttered, it somewhat shattered Bucky's heart to hear that sad of a tone coming from Clint. He turned to face the archer, walking up to him and leaning to kiss his lips. He knows he better leave before he changes his mind because god how he wanted too, and Clint was stubborn.

"please be back soon, Bucko.."

"I promise."

And with that Bucky left their room, the area now in silence. Clint let out a slow breath, getting in bed properly and pulling the covers tightly around him. He tried his best to go to sleep, but he couldn’t help feeling like this was going to be the last time he sees Bucky.


It's night, around 2am, just around the time Bucky had left him alone all those days ago.

Clint scoots back on the bed and leans back on his elbows, his eyes looking straight out the open moonlit window. The wind whistled and the curtains swayed in the light cold breeze.
The archer pursed his lips in thought, he yearned for warmth.. warmth from Bucky. His mind was killing him, slowly killing him every day and every second.

...Barnes, you really are alive. (Winterhawk) Where stories live. Discover now