Bucky's Nightmares

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Note: what's this, part 2?! well yes, I guess this isn't just a short story after all. Now, this one doesn't have smut, maybe part 3, but this one might make you sad :)


"Are you guys always like this? It's seems everytime I stop by you can't keep off each other!" Sam shouted from the front door even though they both could perfectly hear him from the couch, which was only a few steps away. He kept his eyes completely covered with his hands. "I'll wait here.. and you both, get dressed so I can see."

"Alright Sam, you got it." Bucky replied, standing up off the floor and lending a hand out to Clint who was still on the couch. Clint taking ahold of his hand getting up, heading to their shared room.

"We really need to lock the door more often." Clint chuckled as he grabbed his clothes from the closet, a sleeveless muscle shirt, as usual.

"No, Sam just needs to knock more often." Bucky rolled his eyes, walking up behind Clint and placing his hands firmly on his hips, noticing the slight dark bruises. "do they hurt?"

"what? oh, the bruises.. a little. You gotta be more gentle with me, Bucko. Especially with that left arm of yours. I'm not as strong as you think." Clint responded with a smirk.

"Right right, just can't help it, darling. Got caught in the moment." he muttered leaning in and kissing Clint's neck, the same spot where he left those marks from his harshness last night.

Clint let out a long sigh of relief and Bucky knew he got the archer going. He started rubbing his hands on Clint's hips to soothe them in some way, almost reaching to the front to jerk off Clint. But before Bucky could continue what he was thinking of doing, Sam shouted.

"hurry up you two or I'm eating all the god damn breakfast!"

And those words made Clint rush, pulling away from Bucky and getting dressed quickly, speedwalking out of the room and straight for the kitchen leaving Bucky standing alone in their room, completely naked and now feeling lonely.

"Dammit." he groaned, cursing under his breath, picking up his clothes and dressing himself slower then usual, taking him almost ten minutes or longer because he just sorta stood there thinking. But he assumed he should go out there because he didn't want Clint to leave his sight for too long or be away from him.

As he finally walked out he caught Sam's attention instantly.

"Bucky Barnes, man oh man you're lookin' good" (srry I had too)

Bucky scoffed and shook his head slightly, hiding his smile as he walked to the kitchen, passing Sam who sat on a stool at the island counter, also used as a breakfast counter. Bucky could never take Sam seriously sometimes and the other way around.

Bucky made his way to the counters and the stove where Clint was making pancakes.. and making a huge mess while he was at it. "I'm guessing you made a big mess, Clint. That I'd have to clean up after."

"Look, Buck, this one's kinda shaped like your-"

"Shh- don't finish that!" he blurted as he had his hand placed on Clint's mouth to prevent him from saying what he was going to say, he felt his own face heat up and go red from slight embarrassment, knowing Sam was watching and listening.

Sam sat there looking at him with concern, trying to hold back his laughter, which he just couldn't at all, so he bursted out laughing loudly.

"Shut up, Sam." he groaned in annoyance, pulling away from Clint so he could finish with pancakes.

"What I didn't say anything!"

Clint turned around and revealed a big plate stacked with pancakes and a small tub of maple syrup, some bacon piled at the side. He walked and placed it on the middle counter by Sam.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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