Till Death

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From the journal of Bartholo-Mew Dermia, written after waking from a vivid dream. . .

He couldn’t breath.  Couldn’t move.  Could hardly think.  Bartholo-Mew Dermia never expected to be face to face with such an immense force, as far as he knew no one in his family had ever been in the presence of Acererak the Eternal.   Still bloody from the giant ichor possessed monster and then shunned by the rest of the party, they’d gone through a door and slammed it in his face before he could get out a word despite warning them of the immense presence of undead and their wielder.   Now, he stands face to face with the most powerful Lich known throughout the lands as the army of undead make their way closer.    Mews fur was standing on end his ears were laid back, his whole body shaking as the pressure of Acereraks power bore down on him.    Acereraks cold dead eyes peer down at Mew as the decrepit mouth curves into a semblance of a smile, one skeletal hand reaches up to brush the hood back from his face.  “Well then.. isn’t this interesting… I didn’t expect to find one of my own talents here.” The cold whispering voice ghosted over the Tabaxi sending a thrill of fear down the young man’s spine.  “A.. Acererak..” Mew managed to stutter out his voice barely a whisper.  Acereraks smile only grew wider a low chuckle rippling through his ancient form.  “You know of me, very good. You may prove to be amusing for me… So long as you survive.”

In a blink the decimated city they’d been standing in was gone, now surrounded by dark echoing halls of stone that seemed endless despite not being able to see very far.  “Make your way to me Bartholo-Mew… and you shall be rewarded.  Only death and reanimation awaits failure.”  The voice whispered through the air impossible to tell if it had been audible at all or simply within Mews own mind.   Quietly, carefully; he made his way forward staying close to the smooth cavern wall.  

After trials, traps, and torment Bartholo-Mew stepped through a large wood and stone door into the Lich lord’s chamber…  he’d not known what to expect after enduring so much, after all this was arguably the most powerful necromancer in the world and yet… the space before him wasn’t what he had anticipated, nor was the relaxed and lounging posture of Acererak himself.    The room itself was fairly simple, neither grand nor terrible.  No undead heaps, no blood, no beasts or monsters unless you counted the stags head mounted above the fireplace dug into the stone on one wall.  “So, you’ve made it. I had so hoped that you would.. it’s been many ages since anyone piqued my interest, nor survived long enough to amuse me.”  He rose slowly from a chair his appearance slowly morphing, ruby eyes turning to blood red irises as skin shed untold eon’s becoming that of someone middle aged hairless and unmarked, diamond teeth turned to smooth almost human teeth with more prominent canines.  “What is all this for? Your amusement? That’s it? Three million lives just because you’re bored?” Mew was pleased his tone didn’t sound as breathless as he felt, Acererak didn’t seem to be of a mind to attack and his form was less undead and closer to living than it had been before, (though still clearly undead despite the change) and some part of himself felt drawn to the Lich before him.

The door behind him closed with a firm thud, Mew looked back with a start and when his eyes turned back Acererak  was mere inches away leaning down ruby red eyes glinting with cold amusement.  “what better  reason is there?”  his voice whispered over Mews ear as one hand trailed fingers along the Tabaxi’s cheek in an almost tender caress.  Mews breath hitched eyes widening in surprise as Acereraks fingers trailed down his cheek, the Lich’s cold breath sending shivers down his spine making his fur stand on end.  “Wh-what?” his voice came out a shaky whisper as he stepped back pressing against the door behind him, Acereraks laughter sending a thrill through him in a way he hadn’t ever experienced. 

“I told you a reward awaited you upon finding your way here, I mean to indulge us both in sins I have not enjoyed for centuries.”  His voice came out almost crooning as his cold powerful grip locked around Mews throat and dragged the young man to his face sealing their mouths together in a breathtakingly cold kiss, Mews eyes closed tightly a surprised noise escaping his throat as Acereraks other hand grabbed his hip in a bruising grip to press their bodies together.  Mew gripped the wrist of Acereraks hand that was around his throat, claws digging into the flesh and with a growl of effort he sunk his teeth into Acereraks lip.  Mew yelled in surprise as he was suddenly thrown across the chamber, he hit the ground and scrambled to his feet and hissed ears flattened to his skull eyes wide and confused.  “What do you think you’re doing? What is the meaning of this!”  Acererak laughed thumb sliding across the bite in his lip, the wound hadn’t bled nor the gauges in his wrist and they closed without leaving a mark before Mews eyes.  “Why I’m seducing you little kit, tonight the sin we will enjoy is of the body.  You feel it in your own body, heated desire you can’t deny.” He walked towards the Tabaxi hand slipping into the males torn shirt fingers running through the soft dark fur of the young man’s chest, Mew inhaled a shaky breath a slow purr building in his chest as the Lich’s hand continued to slide over him.  When he looked up into Acereraks eyes he felt himself let go a little, there wasn’t much he could do in any case so why not enjoy this just a little?  He felt his ripped shirt pulled away as he was pressed backwards, he stumbled as his legs hit the edge a bed he hadn’t known was there or perhaps it hadn’t been until that moment he wasn’t sure. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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