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"We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. "-Ted Bundy

Have you ever thought that maybe your neighbor's long walks weren't actually for the exercise? That the screaming you heard wasn't from a horror movie they were watching? Maybe that that horrid smell wasn't coming from the sewer. Or possibly the shadow you saw lurking in the dark wasnt your imagination.No, you haven't? Then maybe you should consider it.

The hail crashed down onto Monica Lopez's roof furiously. The odd clap of thunder would fill the the darkened room with sound and light for not even a second. It's been nearly an hour without power, luckily Monica had a mini battery powered lamp to read her book. She bought it at the book store after being attracted to the bright colours on the cover. So far Monica just couldn't put it down, she was practically glued to it. Monica was almost to a very exciting section when above her the lights fluctuated wildly. A shadow swept through the hall of the great red mansion, the pictures of family members shaking lightly as it moved softly. It went through unnoticed, hoping not to be found. If so happened, it's secret plan would collapse

and all hope for it would be gone.

It brushed past her, leaving Monica shaking. She got up and slowly walked to the washroom holding her arms for more body heat. Monica quickly looked left to right to make sure there wasn't anything in the hallways that could harm her. Maybe it was just paranoia, or instincts telling her something-or someone- was there. Her feet rapidly shuffled towards the dim area across from her. Monica reached the bathroom safely. A sigh of relief washed over her. Nothing happened. A loud thump filled her ears. Monica's heart started beating much faster. The noise came from the direction of the living room. She thought maybe she could just wait it out, but, that won't get rid of it any faster. Most likely it was just the wind that knocked down the source of the noise. Monica took a deep breath and mustered up some courage. She hesitated for a moment, then moved the knob cautiously. Monica raced towards the living room with full confidence, all but a toilet plunger to defend her. She entered the living area and noticed something fidgeting behind the navy blue curtains near her vintage piano. Monica was conflicted about either calling the police now or just confronting the intruder herself. Reluctantly, she moved towards the squirming curtain. Monica ripped open the hiding place and attacked it with the plunger.

"Meoow!" It screeched. She wiped the sweat off of her forehead in disbelief.

" Tammy! You scared me!" She shouted.

The cat replied with but a hiss and scampered off into the darkness. Monica lazily sat down onto her sofa still filled with shock. She scanned the room (remembering the noise)for what made the thump. A shiny object caught the glimpse of her eye. Monica stood up and retrieved the object from behind the side table. It was her pet cat, Tammy's collar. She couldn't help but think how the cat got it off by herself. The hot pink collar Monica had bought Tammy last year at Pets Unlimited was all scratched up and the buckle was broken. The collar cost a lot so she wasn't looking forward to buying a new one. Just realizing it now, Monica saw that the name tag was missing. Where could that have gone?

Laying down the tagless collar gently on the coffee table, she went to the kitchen to grab herself a glass of ice cold water. Monica tipped the glass and the freezing liquid slipped down her throat with ease.

She went back out into the living room to watch Grey's Anatomy. Monica flicked on the t.v. and the 10 o'clock news was on. It was Anthony Yeadon, he was wearing a black suit with a turquoise/blue tie that matched his eyes perfectly. Before she could change the channel he said something that caught her interest.

"The serial killings of the mask continue." He then put up some brutal images of the murders. Monica sneered away with disgust. She never understood why they would put those photos on the air. For example, children could be watching and who even wants to see those types of things anyway? Probably the murderer. It changed back to Anthony's face.

" The killer is still at large. The police recommend not to go outside after dark, it could be highly dangerous."

She changed the channel to her show. She'd already missed 10 minutes of the new episode. Monica didn't even bother watching the rest and just decided to wait until next week for the repeat. She brushed her hand through her light brown hair an rubbed her emerald eyes. It was time for bed. She needed to be up early for her job at the bank. It was already 10:20pm.

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