Actual Chapter 2

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The glare of the moon illuminated the very tips of the pine trees just outside of Oakville, Iowa. The cool ,breeze made the branches sway back and forth. A pile of brightly coloured leaves covered the entire sidewalk.

There was a man about age 26 wobbling down the sidewalk causing the formation of leaves to scatter about beneath him. At that moment all he could think about was the piercing pain in his stomach and whether or not he was going to get away. He clenched his wound tightly, hoping it would remotely stop the bleeding.

He heard a familiar voice behind him. It was too far away to make out. Again, the voice called. This time it was louder.

"Run, run, as fast as you can. I can catch you because IM the gingerbread man." A rough clown like voice exclaimed.

The man tried to run faster but his wound was holding him back. His heart pounded inside of him. It was beating so hard it could probably jump out of his chest. He knew the voice was right. He'd never be able to out run that-thing...

"Marcuuus!" Rang the voice with a tune. It seemed so close, yet when Marcus looked around there was nothing.

All of a sudden he felt someone's hot breath on his neck. Marcus glanced behind and saw his killer. It wore a mask. Definitely not the type you would find at a Halloween shop but more antique. Almost similar to the one the phantom wore in the musical 'Phantom of the Opera'. Before Marcus could do anything the murderer pulled a butchers knife out of his pocket and jabbed it into where the poor man's heart is. Marcus tried to say something but all that came out were some garbled noises.  

"Hehehehe. Maybe next time we'll answer my questions. Won't we Marcus?" With the bloody weapon in hand, the slayer walked away into the darkness partially satisfied with his kill.

The ringing of Monica's Iris Carrington phone woke her up suddenly. She sighed and unenthusiastically answered it. 

"Hello?" She said a tad agitated, seeing how early it was.

"Hello. Your brother is dead." Replied a monotone voice.

"What?! Who is this?!" Monica frantically asked not knowing the anonymous person already had hung up.

beep beep beep beep

She slammed the phone down in frustration. To make sure it wasn't just a couple kids pulling a prank, she called her brother, Marcus. Monica hesitated for a moment, trying to remember the number.

It rang a few times then went to his voicemail. Monica panicked and left a message.

"Hi Mark.. Just calling to see if you're alright. Someone pulled a sick prank and told me you were dead... Well anyway, call me back when you get this." She hung up the phone with frustration. That call didn't make her feel any better. If anything it made it worse.

The black phone went off again.

Brrriing brriiingg brrriinngg

She felt so relieved. It has to be Marcus, she thought. Monica grabbed the phone as fast as she possibly could.

"Marcus! Thank god you're all right!" She exclaimed.

"Is this Monica Lopez speaking?" The huge smile vanished she had in a split second. It wasn't him...

" Yes it is." Monica said with disappointment.

"Well, I have some terrible news.." She froze, unable to say anything. She was so afraid to hear what he was going to say next. "Marcus was found by a passerby this morning on Rosedale Avenue. I'm very sorry, he-." She hung up the phone before he could say anything else. Monica felt as if this wasn't happening. Like it was a dream.


A/N: okay so, can you tell me why I have writers block all the time? I hate it-.- well who doesn't? Ahah

But besides that yeah I like re-wrote this chapter like 3 times! Ahahah I wasn't sure about the killer.. Like I had too many ideas about it! But now I think I got it :D Btw thanks for reading! ~Emily:3

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