49. And

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Kai sat in the cafeteria with his friend when Bella and Edward  joined them

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Kai sat in the cafeteria with his friend when Bella and Edward joined them. He smiled at his sister and went back to eating.

Jessica was going on and on about her speech and honestly it was making Kai want to pull his hair out.

Mike handed her the notebook and shrugs "And there's you speech"

"That will be my speech when i wasn't everyone to through their diplomas at my head" Jessica smiles sarcastically

"You don't need any of that Jess, your speech is going to be epic" Bella smiles

Tracy sits down and leans her head on Kais shoulder. He raises his brow and she shrugs letting out yawn. The other around the table stills didn't understand their relationship. Some said that they were dating while others claimed Kai was back with Rosalie. It was an ongoing discussion which Kai and Tracy tried their hardest to avoid.

Alice and Jasper both dropped into the empty seats.

"I want to through a party" Alice announces

Jasper smirks amused "After all how many times are we going to graduate"

"At your house" Jessica speaks dumbfound

"I've never seen your house" Angela leans forward

"No one has" Eric corrects

"I have" Kai grins but stop when Tracy nudges him, he rolls his eyes and remain silent

"Another party Alice?" Edwards asks

"It will be fun" Alice smiles

"Yeah that's what you said last time" Bella says, Kai glares at his sister who shrinks into Edwards side

Alice's face goes blank and Kai frowns. He knew she was having a vision he was sure of it and he knew by the look of Edwards face that she wasn't having a happy one.


Selena leaned against the counter at the hospital. It was her day to help out and she was bored out of her mind. Nothing interesting was happening today, it a very slow day.

"You look happy" Selena looks up at the voice and smiles at Dr Cullen

"Yeah, just tired" she smiles

Dr Cullen nods "Understandable." he smiles "You can go home if you want" he offers

Selena nods "I just need to finish this" she looks down at the paperwork

"Of course. Call me if you need help" Dr Cullen excused himself

After a few minutes Selena leaves the hospital. She drives to the restaurant to pick up her order.

Walking in she gets to the counter and gives her name. The man leaves to get her order.

"Now this is weird" Selena spins around to see Leah standing there, she had a smirk on her face

"Creepy" Selena corrects

"Very" Leah says "But it's nice to see such a pretty face" Selena eyes widen

"Are you flirting with me?" Selena teases
"Because if you are i'm very flattered"

"I'm not" Leah says with a blank face but her eyes was still soft as they watched Selena smile

"Sure" Selena grins "So what are you doing here?"

"Came with my mom to get food" Leah turns to the direction her mother was once standing "Or she ditched me"

"How are you going to get home?" Selena frowns

"I'll walk" Leah shrugs "It's not far"

"No way" Selena shakes her head "I'll take you home. Let me just get my food" her names was called and she got the packet with her food in

"Let's go" Selena smiles, Leah follows her out and silently curses her mother for doing this.

Leah gets into the passenger seat and Selena starts the car. They drive in silence the only sound was the car engine and the radio playing softly.

"Directions please" Selena breaks the silence

Leah gives the directions and Selena starts laughing making the other girl look at her confused.

"Not far right?" she teases

Leah rolls her eyes "For me" she whispers but Selena didn't catch it as it was too silent

Leahs eyes ended to falling on Selena and she couldn't help but stare. Selena side eyed her feeling the eyes on her, she blushed

"Stop staring" her face flushed burning

"Sorry" Leah blushes herself and looked down

"You're cute" Leah rolls her eyes "Don't roll your eyes" Selena slapped her leg

"Don't hit me" Leah fires back

"Yeah yeah" Selena laughs

The two playfully chat the rest of the ride. Selena pulls up to Leahs house.

"Thank you" Leah smiles

"Anytime" Selena smiles back

"I'll see you soon" Leah promises placing a kiss on her cheek and then getting out

Selena's face burned as she sat staring not sure what to do.

Leah walked into the house and saw her mother eating. Sue glances up and smiles innocently at her daughter who glared at her

"I hate you" Leah storms off to her room

"You're welcome" Sue laughs

"You're welcome" Sue laughs

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