Chapter 1

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Nothing is different...right..?

Disruption is asleep but hearing a echo voice.

"Disru...tion...!! Disruption..!!!!!"
He hears a familiar voice calling out for him but tends to try to ignore it.
"Oh cmon..! You said you'd be up at 10am..!! It's already 11am!!!..."
Disruption still tries to ignore the voice but gets a Little annoyed.
37 minutes later....
Disruption finally starts waking after being annoyed just to see someone very close up to his face, they look familiar..
That's right. It's a certain someone that made disruption jump back from fright
It was bandu. The one and only. Bandu.
Bandu:oh you're finally up! you do know it's almost noon right?..
He turns around looks at his clock and realizes it's almost 12pm.
Bandu:yeah, um I kinda been waiting on you eheh....
Disruption looks at bandu and blushes a little then looks away.
Bandu:sorry if this seems like a rush bu-
Disruption:no it's fine, I accidentally ignored my alarm and forgot I was supposed to take you out. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll be with you, okay?
Bandu just stares at disruption and is relieved.
Bandu:alrighty! I'll be waiting for you downstairs!

15 minutes later...
Bandu has been eating candy for the past minutes waiting on disruption.
Expunged:don't you ever get full from all that candy...?
Expunged looks at bandu as they notice bandu is wearing a dark green flannel with a white shirt and jean colored pants
Expunged:eh..why dressed so fancy for..?
Bandu:ohhhh.. um yeah about that- disruption said that we're going on a date or something..but that's okay!
Expunged stands there in complete silence and a shocked look
Expunged POV: he probably heard something wrong..right? Bandu is an airhead after all..maybe he's saying things wrong.
Expunged:uhh yeah I'm going to go get something upstairs..kay? I'll be back..
Bandu:alrighty then! If I'm gone by the time you're back just know, I'll see you later and take care!
Expunged just rolls her eyes and walks away.
Disruption is currently walking downstairs but encounters expunged.
He continues walking downstairs and tries to ignore expunged
Expunged grabs him and pulls disruption to the side before he goes downstairs
Expunged:you're not taking my brother on a date, are you.
Disruptions eyes widen and he has a "what?!" Expression on his face
Disruption: um..WHAT? dude who told you that.
Expunged: oh. He did mistake what he was saying then...alrighty then. Go on now
He lets go of disruption and walks to his room while disruption has a look of confusion and continues walking downstairs.
Bandu:ready to go?
Bandu:alrighty then! Let's go and enjoy our date!!!
Disruption:BANDU!!! ITS NOT A DATE!!!
Bandu:oop, mistake then!
He laughs it off, disruption looks away while looking like a strawberry.
They take off walking to a dessert restaurant and look around everywhere to admire the place and things around them
Bandu:oooo this place looks fascinating!!
Disruption just looks at bandu as he smiles and glances around the place, after a bit they got a table that they wanted to sit at
Disruption:here's the menu if you want to take a look bandu
Bandu:thank you disruption!
He looks at the menu and sees what he want to order, unexpectedly he ordered a lot of desserts
Disruption:...and you're gonna eat all of that..?
Disruption: you won't get full and make it go to waste.?
Bandu:nope! I'll eat it all!
Disruption: eat as much as you want I don't mind, that's just bandu being bandu.
Bandu giggles at what disruption said he then looks at disruption
Bandu: are you gonna order anything..?
Disruption: I'm fine, as long as you eat I'm better.
Random waitress: that's all for today?
Random waitress: you're order will be right with you!
The waitress goes and gets bandus order prepared
Mean while with bandu and disruption..
Bandu: I love my phone so much...she's the best gf I've ever had...*sigh*
Bandu sits admiring his phone and hearts float over his head, disruption couldn't help but feel a little jealous of a phone.'s your day going so far bandu?
Bandu:is been going good... what about you disruption?
Disruption POV:especially with you around...
None POV
Bandu plays on his phone while he waits on his order mean while disruption looks at bandu and starts wondering off into daydream land
Disruption POV: hes so cute...his eyes are so big and adorable...the way he's just so cute.. the way he dresses.. oh bandu you existing makes me feel this way..I don't think I've ever felt this way about someone before..I just want to protect you with my life. I want you to stay with me and be mine forever.. I think I- wait...what?..what am I thinking?! Don't think like that disruption..! He's just your ally, and he thinks of you that way too. He's in love with a phone after all...right? Yeah that's the only relationship he wants. Hes taken. You can't come into his life and start ruining his mood. Ah...don't think like that disruption. He's just your ally.-
Random waitress comes by and has bandus order and gives it to him
Random waitress: here's your order! That will be $37.89!
Bandu:okay! Here-
Disruption carefully moves bandus hand away from his pocket.
Disruption:I'll pay. Here you go.
Random waitress:...ok...have a nice day!.
Bandu remains quiet and looks at disruption
Disruption looks back at bandu and they just make a awkward moment for a second
Bandu:..are you okay disruption..?
Disruption: yeah I'm alright. I just didn't want you to have to pay.
Bandu just blinks and smiles
Bandu:awh~.. disruption... you didn't have to do that for me..
Disruption blushes and covers his face.
Disruption: just eat...I wanna take you somewhere still...
Bandu:okay! I'll eat as fast as possible!
Disruption: don't rush, you might get sick if you do...and you might even get a brain freeze with the ice cream...
Bandu takes his time eating and disruption gets on his phone but looking at bandu from the corner of his eye as he eats, and tries to take photos of bandu eating secretly

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