Chapter Eleven: Saddened Flame

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His long maroon-coloured jacket seemed to waft around in the sudden breeze, and the gold pins seemed to shine in the sun light, which then slowly began to fade away as another storm began to corrupt Andros, making the land become darker and colder as rain once again began to take over the land.

I lifted my gaze to his, our eyes connecting. His grey eyes seemed to hold so much yet so little emotion. Thick walls of nothingness yet those walls had big cracks which out seeped emotion.

I took a few steps back, out of his grip, almost tripping. Thankfully, he didn't even fight me.

"Bloom, princess, dont do this" He sighed, rubbing his temple. He suddenly looked quite angry...

"Why, just why? Why would you do this?" I uttered with confusion, turning and pacing along the ruins, he just looked up at me in silence. "You can't be evil. You, you just can't be" I sighed, feeling tears brim my eyes. I could hear the others calls from behind me, but my eyes were locked on his. 

My face held a look of utter horror, disbelief, anger... why is my trust always broken?

"I thought you were a good person. That for once in my life I had met someone good to be with" A fire was burning inside me, and no. It wasn't one of passion, it was one of anger.

"Princess, please just stop and listen. This is our destiny. But I just had to get revenge on the magic dimension. Please, forgive me" He replied, almost crying. Although I could not tell if it was just an act...

"Bloom, get back!" Aisha yelled over the sudden wind, Val gave me a small smirk and shook his head in a disappointed manner

yet it seemed like I couldn't hear her, no. My body just wouldn't move, couldn't move. As if i was under some sort of control spell? I once again felt the burning sensation in my shoulder,

It happened so quickly, so suddenly, I was so unprepared. He snapped his fingers, the sound echoed through my head, and it was like an out of body experience.

I watched as my body collapsed to the floor, and then everything became dark

But I could still hear the sounds around me. I could hear the girls flying towards me, their voices desperately calling my name, yet I could no longer hear Val, or feel his flame. 

It was as if he had just disappeared? Maybe for the better.

The feeling of Betrayal flourished through me. I felt like a weight had been placed on my shoulders, but one also released. I felt peace but corruption?


My eyes fluttered open to find that Andros, even though was still under his wrath, was void of him and the Trix, who had also been there.

The girls had explained everything that had happened when I was in the cave system, the Trix had put them under an influence spell to make them send me down there alone and that it was some sort of stupid ploy to get me out of the way.

"Bloom can you stand?" Aisha softy asked, striding over to me as I tried to move. Yet I hissed in pain as my head began to pulse with an awful feeling. "Well, I'll take that as a no" Musa said, and the two of them hooked and arm around me

"Let's go back to Alfea. Bloom is in no state to be here" Flora exclaimed, walking away to find the boys.


No less than half an hour later we found ourselves back at Alfea and I was given time to sleep and rest in the dorm. The girls had gone to see Faragonda to discuss what had happened. Boy did I know I was in some trouble.

I brought the glass of icy water to my lips and took a few sips. 

Who'd think that someone like me would have a twin flame of someone like him. I can't believe he just didn't tell me who he really was. Maybe I would have accepted him...? 

I could try to help him, make him good. But after today, I, I just don't know what to think.

It's indescribable, this feeling. I love him, but I cannot. It would be seen as treason. It will be forbidden. I also have this burning feeling of hatred inside, but I still feel so drawn to him...

My stomach sunk, he was a dark wizard. I just, can't believe it. I don't know who to trust anymore. First Sky, and now my actual flame?

The room around me began to spin, my head felt light as all these thoughts . The glass slipped from my hand as everything became hazy around me.

"Then let it be forbidden" His voice echoed through my head. "Our flames need one another, who cares what others think. It's between us and us alone. You're the reason I was born Bloom. From an ember of the Dragon of fire. We are destined to be together. I will always care for you, Bloom"

"Get out of my head" I cried and grabbed onto my dresser. "Why! Why do you have to be this way"

"I was prophesied Bloom. Please, just join me. My heart is already breaking and I can already feel cracks in yours"

I am so conflicted, so saddened, so lost. "Val I dont know what to do" I groaned, running my hands through my messy hair, picturing myself in his arms. I felt disgusted, awful. 

"Follow your heart" He replies

"My heart tells me to do one thing, but my mind tells me others"

"What do you truly want, Bloom"

"You, and only you" 

I gasped, staggering away from my dresser, clasping my hands around my mouth. I did not say that! Those are not the words I spoke, it's like, someone spoke for me!

My shoulder is burning like crazy, making me grip onto it with an agonising cry...

"Then join me. We can rule the magic dimension together" He darkly laughed, sending chills down my spin

"Ugh" I groaned, rubbing my temple, my head was really spinning. Was I really about to do this? Even though there are many unknown risks ahead. 

Before these next words left my lips, I began planning how I would take him down. I'd rather die alone, than die tied to a man that wants to bring havoc to the magic dimension

"I'll join you" 

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