Chapter 1

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He was running towards the large heavy door, finally passing by it. 

The lights were blinding a few more seconds before it soothes, empowering him to uncover the room he was standing in. 
Waltz music filled the air, figures dancing gracefully surrounded him. It was mesmerizing in a way he couldn’t describe, yet so familiar to him. 

Remembering his duty, he started walking again. Traversing the grand ballroom, avoiding the dancing figures and sending glances to acquaintances he passed. Some stairs were separating him from his goal, sitting on a large golden throne, a matching golden crown resting on his head. 

He bowed down, his right hand on his heart wanting to clench on the fabric of his white ruffled shirt. He felt a soft hand on his hair, ruffling them softly. He dared to look at the tall figure in front of him and noticed a big warm smile on the sharp face. He felt the weight on his shoulder lifting up and his soft clothes felt way lighter than before at this vision. 


”Yes father?”

”I told you already, no need to bow down to me mate.” The older one chuckled. 

The younger one smiled and straightened. The hand in his hair disappeared, leaving the ghost of a presence on his scalp. 

”The guards said you wanted to show me something.”

”I do”

”What is it?” he exhaled, excited at what his father wanted to show him. 

He was slightly bouncing on his feet as the older one was searching for something in his light blue tailcoat. He got a small roundish deep blue object, as big as an apple. Golden letters carved on the top of the item which could be held on the palm of a hand. It was an unexpectable object for anyone else but the youngest recognised it almost instantly.

"Is this the music box you were talking about?" He exclaimed looking at his father with adoration. 

"It is!" The King said, meeting the blue iris of his son, smiling warmly at him. "Can you read what's written on it?"

He took the music box in his small hands and attempted to figure out the cursive writings on top of the item. 

"To-gether… in… L-L'manberg." He paused. "Together in L'manberg?!" He exclaimed, looking eagerly at his father, waiting for an answer.

"That's for when I travel to L'manberg" he said ruffling the hair of his son. "You won't need me, nor your brothers to sing our lullaby to you."

Turning the golden key,  opening the music box, the king started humming the soft melody escaping from  the item, surrounding them as the figures down the couple of stairs danced along with the sonorous music submerging the ballroom. 

"On the wind..." the adult began "Cross the sea..." he sang with a deep voice, a soft warmth spreading towards the youngest chest. "Hear this song and remember..." 

His kid joined in. 

"Soon you'll be..." both voices strangely matching with each other, rhythming the melody escaping through the blue music box. "Home with me..." 

"Once upon a december."

A green flash of brightness shined within the room the ball was occuring, blinding everyone inside for a few seconds. Retrieving his eyesight, the child saw his father standing in front of him, as if he was protecting him from the undescriptible danger, now standing at the bottom of the wooden-ish stairway.

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