Chapter 4

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When Tommy got into the carriage, he was welcomed by the same feeling he felt the day they met Ranboo. 

Something was going to happen tonight.

He feels it heavy on his back since  Tubbo and him left the orphanage. Someone was following them. Tommy had been cautious during this journey (the fist fight doesn’t count), making sure the three of them were safe enough that despite the feeling at the back of his head, nothing would happen to any of them. 

It was so strong this time that Tommy felt sweat pearling on his temple. His uneasiness seemed to alarm Tubbo.

"You okay there Tom'?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"Y-yeah, don't worry." 

"You know if this is about the ball you don't have to worry about anything, everything is getting taken care of." Eret added, inserting herself into the conversation.

"Yeah… yeah I know."

"And if at any point, one of you three wants to go home," they added, pointing at the teenagers. "Come find me. No matter the hour, no matter who I'm with, tell me and we'll go back into my house okay?"

"Okay." They all answered at the same time.

"Good." Eret finished, smiling softly before turning back on his seat.

Tommy wished they were safer with Eret by their sides.

The castle was huge. Even bigger than the old one back in Snowchester and Tommy couldn't stop looking around, speechless.

The carriage turned towards it, bringing them into a large alleyway surrounded by trees from all height and size. There were multiple horses being taken care of and some people were striding towards the massive building. It stopped and they were guided off their cab. Eret gave them a supportive smile and the group started to walk. The air was nice, a colder breeze made their hair swing from time to time and the pavements were shining under the moonlight. 

They arrived at the large wooden door, two guards were standing beside it, keeping watch. Tommy gave them a weak smile as they passed by, finally entering the castle. 

A headache started forming in Tommy's head as they walked down a large corridor. He crept closer to Eret and was now right behind their back. Tubbo and Ranboo were behind them and were mutturing to each other. He heard Ranboo saying this place felt bigger than the other castle while Tubbo was asking him if they had any explosives contained here. Tommy stopped listening after that. 

The group came to a halt. Eret stopping nearly caused Tommy to bump onto her back, but he thankfully stopped before he could embarrass himself. 

He heard them talk with someone, but the blood ringing in his ears made it impossible for him to distinguish the voices. 

After some time though, Eret moved to the side, revealing the teenagers to the group of strangers. Tommy looked up to see who he would address and when he did, the world felt like it was ending.


His face fell.

"What the fuck."

Wilbur, Technoblade and Phil were standing in front of him. Hidden behind Eret's shoulders he'd managed to stay away from the family's eyes without even meaning to do so.

"You three- you three are…" He stammered in disbelief

They all had crowns on their heads which only meant one thing. 

"This is the family you met?!" Tubbo exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Tommy… I'm sorry we didn't tell you…" Phil apologized getting closer to him.

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